Trouble on the Branchline

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There are many branchlines on the Island of Sodor. There's Thomas' branchline, Duck's Branch line and Edward's branchline. Thomas's branchline runs from Knapford Station all teh way to Ffarquhar station. He runs the Ffarquhar branch. Edward's branch line is called the Brendam branch line, where it starts at Wellsworh to brendam. He also shares it with Bill, Ben and BoCo. Duck's Branch Line is a coastal lines which runs from Tidmouth to Arlesburgh. It is nicknamed the "Little Western." He works with Oliver, along with Donald and Douglas.

Branchlines are a essential part of the railway. But Thomas claims his is the most imprtant, because it is the pride of the railway. However, due to weak construction of the tracks, big engiens like Gordon, cannot travel on branchline.

But branchlines can be busy, and work gets a lot busy.

One day, Duck was at Tidmouth with Alice and Mirabel. Oliver was at the next platform.

"What's the matter, Duck?" asked Duck.

"I've been busy all day," panted Duck, "Pulling Alice and Mirabel all day. The Fat Controller needs to get a new engine."

"And quickly!" agreed Oliver. "He should be getting one soon."

Duck and Oliver soon talked with The Fat Controller and told them how they felt.
"Beg pardon, sir," said Duck, "but Oliver and I have come to conclusion that we need a new engine."
"I will try my best to get a new engine,"replied the Fat Controller, "but I cannot guarantee one."

Meanwhile, on the mainline, things were much worse. There were more passengers and goods that needed to be taken. Gordon, James and Henry had to work extra hard. They were tired. They didn't get a lot of rest.  They took trains left and right. Other engines came to help to, because they had to go back to their

Gordon, Henry and James were fed up. Instead of going on strike, they decided to talk to the Fat Controller.

The Fat Controller was very stressed.

Later, that afternoon, the Fat Controller sat in his office. The Inspector was inside with him.

"This is a big problem," sighed The Fat Controller. "Duck and Oliver need help on their line and so do Gordon, James and Henry on the mainline. "

"Why don't you just buy two engines?" suggested the Inspector.

"I have no money to buy two engines," replied the Fat Controller. "I can only afford one. I actually have the engine in mind. He is currently on a preservation railway."

"A PRESERVATION RAILWAY?" exclaimed the Inspector. "You should buy him immediately."

"Indeed." And The Fat Controller went on his phone.

After a brief conversation on the phone, the Fat Controller spoke to the Inspector. "The engine I ordered would be perfect for both the mainline or a branch line. He is a mixed traffic engine, like Edward and James."

"What class is he?" asked the Inspector.

"He is a LNER Y14 0-6-0," explained the Fat Controller, "he used to work on the LNER until they closed. He will be coming here in no time. I need to decide which job would be suitable."

A few days later, the new engine arrived. He was a medium sized engine. He has a tall funnel and six black driving wheels, and six small wheels. He had a gold dome and LNER painted on his tender.  The Fat Controller and the Inspector were inspecting him over. He was painted a black livery.

The Fat Controller looked him over. "Your Controller tells me you are a great with passengers. Is that true?"

"Yes, sir!" The engine replied eagerly. "I can also tackle goods quite easily too."

The Fat Controller nodded.

"What is your name, No. 1741?" he asked.

"Matthew, sir," replied the engine.

The Fat Controller thought a moment and then talked with the Inspector.

"Alright Matthew," said the Fat Controller, "I shall give you a trial run. I don't normally do this with new engines, but I have to decide which job would be better for you. Because I have two in mind and I must decide what is better." He then turned to the Inspector. "Inspector, go and get Matthew ready for work."

The Fat Controller left and went back to his office.

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