Matthew and Gordon

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SOON, Matthew was at the works being ready. Workman scraped off bis LNER logo and painted NWR on his side. They then painted the number 20, on his tender. He was now the North Western Railway's No. 20.
Matthew was looking forward to his new job.
At last, the Inspector came.
"Ah, Matthew," he said, looking at his clipboard, "it looks like you're ready for work. We will put you on the mainline and see how you do. You will work with Edward. Edward is one of the oldest engines here and he will show you around."

In no time at all, Edward came. First Edward gave Matthew a tour of mainline. He showed him all the stations. The two of them were working together happily.
Edward was observing Matthew shunting some coaches.
"Be careful not to bump them too hard," he called, "coaches don't like to be bumped."
Matthew shunted them carefully and smoothly in a siding. The coaches were relived.
"Very good!" said Edward.

Soon Matthew was taking his first passenger train. The coaches were very pleased. They were beginning to enjoy themselves.

After a while, Edward spoke to Matthew.
"You're doing well!" he said, but he added, "mBut watch out for Gordon, James and Henry. They also work here and they like to cause trouble."
Matthew smiled. "I'm used to troublesome engines."

Matthew worked hard, but whenever they saw him at the station, they would sheesh steam at him, causing him to not see where he was going and he'd go beyond the platform. This made his Driver and Fireman very cross. However, Matthew was smaller than the engjnes, but he was hard worker and paid no attention to the engines whenever they would give him in trouble.
As time went on, James and Henry were growing fond of Matthew and stopped giving him trouble. But Gordon wasn't at all. He thought no other engine worked as hard as he did.
One afternoon, Matthew was about to take some passengers to Elsbridge. When Gordon steamed in the next platform ready with the Express.
"Now listen here, little Matthew," he said, "You maybe be a Tender Engine, but you're  not as important as I am. I am important. I pull the Express. You will never be as important as me. Even if, er, you pull the Express someday, it still won't make you as  important as me. I am very fast. I am up to date. I am grand. You never see me undignified."
And with that, Gordon set up, feeling proud of himself.
Matthew felt insulted.
Later,  he met Edward at Wellsworth and told him what Gordon had said.
Edward smiled. "Pay no attention to Gordon. He's full of himself. He likes to be boastful.

One day Gordon, finished his Express run. However, the Stationmaster came to him.
"Unfortunately Gordon, none of the shunting engines are available to shunt your coaches away, so you will have to shunt the Express coaches away yourself."

Gordon was indignant. He did not like having to shunt coaches away. "Disgraceful!" he spat.

Gordon was in a hurry and wanted to get the shunting yards as quickly as he could. However, he was going so fast that he didn't see red signal telling him to stoo. Up ahead there were flatbeds of paint ahead. Gordon slammed on brakes, but it was too late.


Gordon crashed in two flatbeds, and was covered funnel to footplate in paint. His driver and fireman had jumped clear before the accident. He care off the Rails. 
"Steaming pistons!" exclaimed Gordon. Luckily, no one was hurt.
Soon, Matthew, Henry, James and Percy came to the Rescue.
"Henry," said Matthew, "who is this engine?"
"That's Gordon, didn't you know?" replied Henry.
"Are you sure?" asked Matthew innocently. "It looks like Gordon and it ought to be Gordon, but it can't be Gordon?"
"Oh? Why not?"
"Gordon is very fast. He is up to date. He is grand. You'll never see undignified."
The other engines laughed. Gordon said nothing.
The engines got to work. Henry took the train away. Percy took the paint wagons away and Matthew and James took Gordon home. 

A few days later, Gordon was back at work. He spoke to Matthew.

"I'm sorry that I was rude to you," said Gordon.
"That's quite all right," replied Matthew, "and I'm sorry that I was cheeky."

"You were very brave and hardworking," admired Gordon. 

Matthew could do nothing else but smile. 

Gordon and Matthew are now good friends. Gordon still never gives Matthew a hard time. But that's another story. 

Matthew the Medium EngineWhere stories live. Discover now