Chapter 1-A Friend in Need?

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Well, enjoy this awesome story i'm gonna write.

Song-"That's What Friends Are For" by Dionne Warwick


It was just the same.  That was his first thought.

It looks just like home!  It looks just the same!

K.O. knew he was dreaming, but it felt like no other dream he had have.  It was so nice he didn't wanted it to end.  He didn't know if he went closer to take a peak, would the inside look the same?  Would he see his mom and dad.  Oh, he had never seen his dad.  All he can think about was that he was gone.

The idea of his father being gone swirled around him.  "He IS NOT gone!", he shouted back in his dream.  "He IS NOT gone!".


"Wake up K.O.!  Wake up!", Dendy, K.O.'s best friend, was shaking him.  "You're having a bad dream!".

"Oh, for crying out loud, let him sleep!", said Lil, who was actually a villain herself.  She had been wounded, but during her recovery she said she had enough of being a villain and the life of a hero suited her better.  She had not yet started training yet, that would take time.  But, nonetheless, K.O. had token her under his wing, so to speak, and acted like a big brother to her during her recovery.  The two had grown close during the process.  But Dendy was still K.O.'s best friend.

"Let him sleep?", Dendy turned around to Lil.  "Let him continue to have this awful nightmare?"

Lil sighed and said, "He's tired.  He needs his sleep, good dream or bad dream."

Suddenly, K.O. woke up.  "Why are you shaking me?  I was having the loveliest dream.".

"Loveliest dream?" Has he lost his mind?  Dendy thought.  "You where screaming your head off about being gone or not gone, K.O.".

K.O. blinked.  "No I wasn't.", he replied.  "I was having a wonderful dream about my home.  And I was just about to walk in.  Something wonderful was gonna happen, but then you came along and shook me.".  He looked accusingly at Dendy.  Lil pretended she wasn't listing and started to hum a little ditty that K.O. had taught her.

Now it was Dendy who blinked at K.O..  Something about her friend seems different.  He seemed different for awhile, Dendy thought.  Is it just my imagination?  It must be my imagination.  What if he doesn't want to be my friend anymore?  Dendy didn't think she could stand that.  She had to stop thinking this way.  They had been best friends since the day she approached him the first time.  It didn't matter to her that she was a kappa, and K.O., being a human, being a strange comparison.  The had so many things in common.  They were so much alike.  She would never find a friend like K.O..

"Look.", Dendy started to K.O., "I'm sorry I woke you up from your nice dream.  It looked liked a nightmare to me.  I couldn't stand hearing you cry like that."

"It's all right, Dendy, don't worry.  I know you meant well.", K.O. said softly, and then repeated:"Don't worry.  I'm going back to sleep and finishing my nice dream."

But Dendy was worried


Wow this took longer than I thought.

Well I hoped you enjoy the first chapter of this Fanfiction i'm writing.

Until next time, Ivy out!

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