Chapter 5-K.O. researches

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Sorry for not updating for awhile, it's because of school but I have a day off on Friday so I can write this story more. And OH MY STARS guys! Over 200 views? You guys love this story! ENJOY!
Song-Disturbia by Rihanna

Am I here? Am I there?, K.O. thought. As he woke up he realized he was in his room in his house. I'm sure I saw my father. He said 'Come back', but how in the world did I get here?, K.O. thought. Oh, well, he thought as he sighed as he waited to go back to sleep.

But sleep didn't come. In fact, he wasn't tired or sleepy at all. Instead, he felt a sudden urge to go to the library. He got out of his bed and walked over to the library. No one would be in the Library at this time. Not even Dendy-who was pretty much in the library a lot-would be there.

Usually, he would go to the section where all the joke books and game books were, but suddenly felt boring to him. Instead, he went to the section that Dendy loved, the section all about higher magnetics. All of this must be shared!, he suddenly thought. It's my duty, my mission!

So he grabbed a book from the shelve and started reading. Wow, this is fascinating!, he thought. He started to wonder why he wasted his time on all of those game books, but these thoughts slipped away easily. Afraid he wouldn't remember, K.O. grabbed some paper and a pen so he could take down some notes.

He had been working for several hours before stopping. He rolled the notes up, put them in his pocket, and walked back to his house.

K.O.  had hidden the notes in his closet and had made sure every now and then if they were still there.  As he sat down on his bed, he realized what he had forgotten to do today.  Oh yeah, Dendy, he remembered.  He planned on visiting her in the emergency room, but he forgotten all about that.  "Oh, well.", he sighed. 
Soon later, he forgotten all about his best friend as he walked over to Lil, just to ask her if their meeting with his dad was real.
"Lil, we were there, weren't we?".
"What do you mean?".
"We were at my dad's, right?".
"Yes we were.".
"But you seemed to disappear when I walked into the house.".
"I was there the whole time, K.O., you were to excited to see your dad for the first time you forgot about me.  Your dad was really nice to me.".
"Yes.  I saw you embrace your hug with him.  I'm speaking the truth, K.O.".
So my dad is real!  I can't believe it, K.O. thought with happiness.
"We can sneak there tomorrow, right Lil?", he asked his friend.
"Of course.", she answered.
"Should I tell my friends?", he asked Lil.
"Oh, I wouldn't rush that.  You've been left out of so much stuff.  Shouldn't you keep it for yourself before you tell them about this.", Lil softly said to him.
"Well...ok.", K.O. said back.  For one minute, he felt a tiny bit greedy, but that feeling slipped away and K.O. was ready to embrace his father's love and attention. 
"Meet you tonight.", he said to her.
Night after night, the duo always manage to slip off to see K.O.'s dad.
Thoughts rushed into K.O.'s head every single time.  He never knew about how he got back after every trip.  He also didn't know why Lil was never in his dad's house.  And why has his mom not been there?  But these thoughts slipped away as the made it there.
Every now and then K.O. brought the notes he wrote down.  His father loved them.
"There's one dad,", he started, "about how you can spilt one thing from another(A/N:This will be important later, so take down notes!).
"That's great, Kaio!(A/N 2:I'm not fully use writing K.O.'s name as "Kaio", ok?)", his father exclaimed.  "You can take down a few notes, right?", he asked.
"Oh, I don't know.  It's a very complicated book with a lot of hard diagrams.", K.O. answered back.
"Can you just, rip out a few pages for me?  No one will notice.", the figure suggested.
All K.O. said was:"Yeah, sure.  I'll get it next time.".
And he did.
*Sighs like crazy*Sorry that this chapter took to long to make guys, this is the longest chapter yet with over 700+ words.  Worth it.
Anyways, What's up with K.O., and who is this dude being his dad?  Find out soon, Ivy out!

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