Giving Her Away: Chapter 2

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I put my hand on Shane's cheek,” I know it's your sister. I was there when you had to become the parent and take responsibility,” I reminded him softly.

“Then you have to know I can't just give her away to the first schmuck that comes along,” Shane said opening his beer, twisting the top off of it. He chucked the bottle cap towards the garbage can.

“My parents didn't want me marrying you either Shane.”

“Why not?” he asked defensively. “ I'm a good guy. I hold down a job. I was responsible. I had Jennifer and Marli.”

“You tell me,” I said honestly.” Why do Dads not want their little girls growing up and bringing guys home and saying Daddy guess what I'm getting married.”

“Because they’ll lose them...” he said, sadly.

“Exactly... I don’t think it matter who this guy was...... you weren’t going to like him...” I said.

“That’s not true.... if he wwere more like me...” he started.

“If he were more like you.. you’d kill him!” I stated.

“No no! I wouldn’t!” he argued.

“Shane... what were you and I doing at that age?!” I asked.

“You’re right... I would kill him!” he said, nodding.



”I dunno.. I just am..” Harry chuckled.

“I love you... but you have to stop being right all teh time...” i giggled softly, kissing him.

“Mmm, I love you too,” he whispered, kissing me a little more.

“Tonight... we can be quiet...’ I whispered.

“Baby.... I swear you are trying to get me murdered!” he said.

“Think of it more like a treat,” I purred leaning into him, that and I really REALLY wanted to Fuck him silly.




“Exactly,” I said leaning over and kissing him,” So we're going to be okay with this right?”

“Nope,” He said. I just shook my head in amazement, I should have known that was going to come out of my husband's mouth.

“Dinner will be done in five minutes,” I said as I turned to grab the plates. I heard Shane set down his beer and then come up behind me reaching over me for the plates.

“I'll set the table,” he whispered in my ear.

I smiled,” Thank you,” I whispered. He kissed the spot just below my ear and then took the plates turning to set the table, Max was playing with a truck.

“Hey buddy, you hungry?” Shane asked.

“DinDin.” Max said with a smile.

“You got it. In five minutes mommy says we'll have some dinner.” I began to bring food to the table, everything that we had prepared for the meal tonight. Mostly a lot of Jennifer's favorites.

Lobster Ravioli, store bought, garlic bread, lemon merengue pie, and strawberry banana smoothies. I heard giggling and laughing, causing me to turn to see Jen and Harry coming down, stealing kisses from one another.

“Good, dinner time!” i announced. Her and Harry sat down across from Shane and I, shane drilling holes into him, watching him intently.

“There’s not lovin going on in my house,” he said, out of the blue, causing Jen to almost choke on her ravioli.

“SHANE!” I chastised.

“Well, I’m just making sure they know the rules...” he said.

“They are adults... engaged.. their adult activities are not up to us...” i scolded, through gritted teeth. Shane just sat there, glaring at Harry. I think that was enough to scare Harry from ever touching Jen again... Marli was sitting in her seat and Max was in his highchair. This was going to be a long dinner, oh boy. I put the salad bowl in my husband's hands.

“Salad, you need some.”

“Its green,” Shane said looking at it and passing it on to Jennifer.

“And its good for you,” I said shaking my head. Even after years together it was hard to get Shane to eat something unless it didn't weird him out. He was bad about veggies especially if they had texture to them. Jennifer took the salad and glared at her brother for his comments.

“All right,” I said.” I hope everyone enjoys the meal,” I said.

“I like it,” Marli spoke up.

I smiled at my little sister in law,” thanks sweetie,” I said.” but you haven't even put it in your mouth yet.” Jennifer put salad on her plate, and passed the bowl to Harry who took some and then it came back around to me, so I took out a little bit for Max.

“No,” Max said.” Max no 'alad.”

“See what you've done,” I told Shane raising an eyebrow.

“What? He's smart. The tomatoes are mushy. The rest is green. “ Shane said. I gave Max something else to eat that he liked instead. Then I looked at Jennifer and Harry.

“Harry why don't you tell us about yourself,” I said hoping for a good conversation maybe Harry would say something that would make Shane like him.

“well, my family is from Holmes Chapel Cheshire, England.... My mum, anne is married to Robert...... My father Des is still alone.. I have an older sister Gemma..... I am going to school for music at Oxford....” Harry began.

“Music?!’ Shane asked.

“Yes.... piano.. guitar.. singing...” he said.

“Hmmm, you ever done anything?” Shane asked.

“I was in a band as a kid, called White Eskimo....” Harry said.

“White Eskimo?” I asked, raising a brow.

“My band mates picked it out...” he said.

“Harry’s voice is like an angel..” Jen swooned softly. Harry blushed.

“I wouldn’t quite say that... but I try... he chuckled.

Giving Her Away (Harry Styles/Shane West Crossover Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now