Giving Her Away: Chapter 3

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Score one for Minnie for knowing something common would catch my attention. I still wasn't sure about this kid. White Eskimo? Was he serious? That's as bad as Color Me Badd.

“Uh so what kind of music did White Eskimo play?” I asked. I ate things on my plate, things that I put there. I knew Minnie had been on a healthy kick since getting pregnant with Max, and now more so even after. We had discussed having more far it didn't look like it was going to happen on its own. Max was sort of our miracle baby.

“Eskimo Eskimo,” Max said.

I was trying not to chuckle, Max picked up words kindda like a parrot Minnie was always telling me to watch my mouth around him.

“Oh sing something!” Jennifer said.” Please babe. Please!” Ugh. Babe? Really? I tried not to gag at that but it was so damn hard , Minnie gave me a look that said 'Punk, watch it'.

I gave her one back that said 'What' While Jennifer was pleading with Harry to sing, Minnie and I had a full conversation with just looks.

“Shaney sings!” Marli piped up.

“I'm sure that's not the kind of music Harry is interested in Mar,” I said. In college I had been a part of a band, Rebellion's Cross.

“That depends...“ he said, shrugging.

“Well, maybe we could jam another time... and clue each other in....“ I said

“Yeah.. I’d like that....“

“Harry, please.. just sing for me.. I miss your voice....“ Jen pouted. Ewwwww......

”Maybe another time, baby...” Harry said, softly. Ugh gag me....

”Fine,” Jen pouted.

”So... you uh... never answered my question.... about your music...” I said.

“Ummm my band.. I was like 13... we sang at weddings and stuff... but outside of weddings we were more into punk rock.. Green Day.. The Germs.....” he said, softly.

“Wait wait..I'm sorry but don't take this wrong way. What do you know about The Germs? That's from my generation”

Minnie raised an eyebrow as if to say AHA! You two do have common ground.

No...we didn't...did we?

“Shaney loves The Germs!” Marli said.

“Mar hush,” I said. I was waiting for Harry to answer what he knew about the The Germs, the kid was thirteen he said when he was in the band singing at weddings. So he was probably singing love ballads and soft rock stuff.

The Misfits. The Kinks. The Germs. The Clash..that was all my generation. I didn't only listen to that stuff but it was a big influence on my musical style. I also listened to AC/DC, Jackson Browne and many other genres...just not boy bands...or kid bands? I dunno.

“Derms!” Max said gleefully.

“My dad used to roadie way back when he was in his 20s, for bands here in the US so I listened to a lot of the music with him as I grew up......” he said.

“Really?” I asked.

“Yeah.... The Germs, the Clash, even the Who back in the day.....” he said.

“Well, your father has good taste...” I said.

“Thanks...... But um... I got involved in what could sell records.. I always told myself I’d never sell out.. but with our family’s financial troubles... I needed to do what I had to to keep our heads above water...” he said. I frowned damn the kid had morales and family values shit!

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