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Charlotte smiled as she looked around the small diner

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Charlotte smiled as she looked around the small diner. Her morning had been constructed of two auditions, a shower, and then making her way here. She had to admit Joe had taste in his little diners. She also had to admit she was beyond excited because she'd be joining Joe for lunch who happened to be on one of her favorite shows, thanks to Jeanne. Her phone suddenly started vibrating against the table and she looked to see Tanner was calling.

"What loser?" she answered harshly, any minute Joe could be there and she didn't need distractions.

"You never told me about why you stole that number from Jeanne" Charlotte sighed and squeezed the bridge of her nose. She loved Tanner but if all the times he could've called, why now?

"I'll give you the short version because I'm kinda busy. Your sister accidentally texted the wrong number and met this guy named Joe. I think she's in love with him and I don't doubt that he is in love with her so I need to get this chat done before Jeanne throws herself back into the scandal of senior year. You good, bye-"

"Wait" Charlotte rolled her eyes. What did he not get. She had explained it in more detail than she should've.

"What Tanner?" she hissed waiting for whatever it was.

"So you're telling me that the shit hole of senior year is playing out again?" Charlotte rolled her eyes as she remembered how Jeanne's high school career hadn't gone off with a complete bang. Which might explain her constant want to go back but Charlotte agreed. Her life had been a total bust since high school too and it was the same for Tanner. Who knew it would be the best time of their lives.

"Yes and I'm currently trying to fix it so if you would excuse me" before Tanner could protest she hung up the phone and awaited the celebrity. Almost as if it was perfect timing the bell on the door jingled and there stood the man with a fluffy head of hair and yellow T-shirt on that went well with his blue jeans. He spotted Charlotte and gave a small wave before heading over.

"Wow, for some reason I still told myself it wouldn't be you but yet, here you are" Joe chuckled at this as he slid in the booth and offered his hand to the blonde.

"It's crazy I know, only a couple years ago I was struggling and now look. I'm a celebrity, sometimes I surprise myself" Charlotte smiled at this and took a sip of her preordered coffee.

"At least you caught wind of the luck. Apparently I have a terrible grasp" he furrowed his eyebrows at this but ignored it nonetheless. Jeanne had mentioned a few times the girl had struggled with her part time waitressing job and dance classes. Her friend was far more talented than a waitress.

"So could I ask why so into meeting up with me" Charlotte didn't really think of how she would bring this about. So she went with the best way she thought she could. The defense mechanism.

Sleepy Jeanne // Joe KeeryWhere stories live. Discover now