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 Jeanne was always a girl who believed in higher understanding

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Jeanne was always a girl who believed in higher understanding. The everything happens for a reason type bullshit. Now Charlotte did love her overly optimistic friend but what she didn't believe was the situation she had got into. How it happened she couldn't recall. All she knew was she didn't not, not like it. So as she laid there trying to recall what had happened she thought about Jeanne and one of the things she would recite from on of her favorite movies.

I went into the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck all the marrow out of life! To put to rout all that was not life. And not, when I came to die discover that I had not lived.

Jeanne had plastered that everywhere. Charlotte never understand why the poem from, what movie was it? Dead Poets Society had meant so much to her until now. So when she turned to her side to face the fate that hit her like a truck she kept this in mind. For the first time she was optimistic.

"I have to get dressed. I have work and Jeanne is coming home soon" a loud groan fell from his lips as he pulled the blonde girl closer into him.

"Just another five minutes" he started pressing light kisses to her cheeks as she pressed up against his bare chest.

"No Tanner, I have work" she shoved away from him and managed to slip out of the bed with a spare blanket.

"Get dressed" she leaned over the bed and pressed a kiss against his lips. Before he could grab her she pulled completely away and moved out the bedroom. All he could do was stare as she left the room to return to hers which seemed way to far now. Charlotte had just finished putting on the all to cheesy pastel pink uniform when Jeanne slipped into the front door of the house.

"Hey! How was work?" she called to the brunette as she grabbed a couple bites of toast and made her way towards the door. Jeanne stood there taking her shoes off and holding a large cardboard box.

"Boring as always" she replied, studying the thing. Charlotte smiled as she watched her friend fumble with the box, trying not to get the grease on her arms all over it.

"Did anyone drop off any packages today?" she asked and Charlotte shrugged.

"Not that I know of, no" Jeanne nodded and looked to the top to see just some black writing in sharpie. To: Jeanne.

"Hmm weird. Have fun at work" Jeanne told her before disappearing upstairs. Jeanne had an awful day. Josh wouldn't stop texting her as if he didn't understand she was working. She was overloaded from people trying to get snow tires on and the shop was packed. Everyone and everything didn't seem in her favor today. Even her lunch break was shortened because of it and all day she just wanted to shower and go to bed as soon as she got home.

Sleepy Jeanne // Joe KeeryWhere stories live. Discover now