Chapter Thirteen

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• Y O U • W O N ' T • B E • A B L E • T O •
F I N D • T H E M •


"HEY WAIT FOR ME"Kyungsoo shouted I looked back and saw Kyungsoo standing here

"THEN HURRY UP"I shouted back continued to chase after Baekhyun then he stopped running and I bump into him making us both fall on the ground

" I'm so tired"Baekhyun said and I nodded panting

"Let's wait for soo"I said so we both sat on the floor waiting for Kyungsoo

" open the present I want to see what he got you" I said and he put the present on his lap and open the present and inside there was shoes

"This is the shoes I wanted"Baekhyun asked

"How did he know that you wanted them, "I said

"Because we went out yesterday and I saw them but I didn't have any money with me so I couldn't buy it," he asked

"Why is he not here," I said looking for kyungsoo who I thought was behind me

"Let's go find soo," Baekhyun said getting up from the floor

"Let's go to the class first he might be there, "I said getting up

"Ring him first," he said so I took my phone out of my pocket and rang Kyungsoo

"It went straight to voicemail," I said
"Do you know anyone that is in our class?" I asked him and he shook his head, Punkie and tinie appeared in front of us

"We don't sense blue's presence we something bad has happened to him" pinkie said

"Yeah it like he suddenly vanished" tinie said

"Let's try and find him" Baekhyun said. We started walking up the stairs when we heard voices

"did you take care of him" a girl asked

"Yeah I gave him to Daniel, "the guy said

"Did you tell him where to keep him? "the girl asked again

"Yes I told him to take Kyungsoo to the spring forest," the guy said and Baekhyun and I looked at each other with wide eyes but when I looked at Baekhyun's eyes they were light blue and I could tell he was getting angry

"Baek, your eyes calm down"I whispered and he closed them

"Now we just have to get the rest of his friends," the girl said and we heard them walk down the stairs and we started to panic

"Let's get out of here," he said and I nodded we turned around and started to walk down the stairs

"Well Well what do we have here" we heard a girl say behind us without a word me and Baekhyun started running away from the staircase then Baekhyun stopped running for some reason

"What are you doing we need to get the others and get out of here," I said

"He's making me, I can't move," Baekhyun said, I looked back at the stairs and saw Sandra and a guy

"You won't be able to find the rest of your friends," the boy said and opened some kind of portal

"Where are they, "Baekhyun said

"Well each of them was separated to the five enchanted forests and you Luhan will be sent to summer forest," the guy said

"You'll never be able to find them, you'll be alone for the rest of your life," Sandra said to Baekhyun

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