Chapter Fourteen

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• T H E • T R U T H•


Once we arrived at the house we all shifted except for me Who was carrying a sleeping person, so Junmyeon walked towards him and picked him up, and I shifted back into human form, I got him of Junmyeon and carried him and before we walked inside he woke up and started freaking out "Where am I"He said looking around then he looked at me and jumped out of my arms

"Don't hurt me" he shouted and suddenly there was a bright light coming from Baekhyun's hands

"What's happening," he asked while looking at his hands how can he look at it without his eyes hurting

"Put your hands in Your pockets," I said and he did so

"Come on, we are not going to hurt you," I said and he followed me into the living room

"Why are my hands glowing," he asked me and I shrugged

" Guys how to we stop that," I said pointing to Baekhyun and they gave me a weird look

"stop what," kris asked, I looked at Baekhyun and he pulled his hands out of his pocket but they weren't glowing

"What's wrong with his hands," Junmyeon asked confused then Baekhyun hands started glowing but not as bright as before

"Woah," Jongdae said

"What's wrong with me,"Baekhyun said quietly while looking at his hands

"There's nothing wrong with you, that's just your power, "Junmyeon said

"Wait I have powers" he mumbled

"He shouldn't be freaking out as" jongin whispered to me and I nodded

"Let's sit down, "I said, I and Baekhyun sat down next to Jongdae

"What happened at school," I asked

" I don't know all I remember is that I was running through the forest and then I woke up on a field, then all of a sudden he passed out

"You shouldn't be talking to The human about this," a gold said

what do you mean, he can't be human otherwise he would be able to enter exoplanet" Jongdae said

"he is human just has a soul of a supernatural inside of him" Rose said

"what about the powers" I asked

"sometimes powers can be used as the soul of the supernatural is very powerful and he is not the only one," rose said we sat there confused

"then who's soul is inside Baekhyun," Kris asked

"I know you all think that they were reborn but that is not the case only you and the royal families can see the resemblance they share but everyone else doesn't see what you see. That day they did not die just have been put to sleep, and somehow their souls left their bodies and entered the humans, Jihyun was the one that found every single one of them and took care of them till it was time to put them back in their original bodies and it seems that now is the time to do it as the humans have been awakened and are trying to push the soul out" rose explained everything and we were all in shock the fact that we believe that they were reborn but in fact, they were not dead for 33 years

"so how long have you been with baekhyun then," Kris asked

"since he was twenty, he saved me and cared for me so I started to do the same for him, and on that day I was not with baekhyun but when I returned to him he was uncurious I knew that he was very vulnerable they all were so me and the other fairies took them back to their home land and placed them there, and then we realise that our memories were going away, I don't know who but I think it was to protect them, about a year ago my memories came back and I had a feeling that they would show up at that school but didn't know when, so me and the other fairies stayed at the school and waited for them to arrive as we would need to take them to their real bodies when the time was right" she said

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