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Tumbler: yesiam-human

1. Please don't laugh at their spelling mistakes unless them, themselves are laughing. It's not a fun feeling being laughed at. I'm sure you all can agree.

2. Sometimes we'll forget to spell the simplest things so if we ask how to spell something we are trusting you to help us and not laugh and think of it as a joke.

3. If they read something wrong or are having a hard time with reading, please be patient with them or help them out.

4. Sometimes words are big and the letter jumble together and they can't read the word all together. If they ask you to re-word or explain said word please do.

5. If they barrow a book from you, know it'll take them longer for them to read. Maybe a year. Maybe a few months. Just let them take their time and don't hassle them. If you're going to hassle them and you know you will just don't let them barrow the heckin book.

6. There are different verities and levels of dyslexia. Sometimes they can't read at all. Sometimes it's just numbers. Sometimes big words or similar words that are close together. So please don't tell them they are not dyslexic and are just lazy in reading or math or whatever. Please don't. Ever.

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