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Tumbler: dragonicwhispers

I am Dyslexic.

When people hear me say I'm dyslexic, they're shocked. I'm nearly a straight A student, am usually a favorite student in language arts and my yearbook class, and seem to be able to put words on paper with ease. I'm even attempting to write my own novel!

People seem to assume that Dyslexia means you're stupid. Thanks to media, this idea has been imprinted in many people's minds. One example of this is Disney Channel's Shake it up!, in which the main character, CeCe, is Dyslexic. She is played off as being unintelligent because of her Dyslexia.

So what is my Dyslexia like?

I spell phonetically. I spell words based on how they sound, not how they actually are.

I occasionally add, forget, or switch letters around while reading and writing. I'm extra guilty of this when writing with a pencil, rather than typing.

I forget which way letters (and some numbers) go.

Letters/words float and move occasionally. I see shadows under words.

My balance and coordination is off. I feel like i'm moving when i'm sitting or laying down, trip over air, etc.

I mix up left/right. I actually use a freckle on my middle finger on my left hand to tell me which hand is my left hand. The whole "L" thing with my thumb and pointer confuses me half the time.

I use little tricks to help me in math. Sometimes this includes counting on my fingers, depending on how severe my Dyslexia is that day.

I'm horrible at estimating time. I check the clock frequently because of this, and it has actually gotten me in trouble with a teacher. (He ended up covering up the wall clock with a paper towel and calling me out on it.)

I'm crummy at reading time on a military clock. It takes a minute to do the calculations in my head.

I'm easily distracted, and daydream a lot.

I hear things you can't. I'm not talking about voices in my head or anything, just high pitch squeals, and sometimes what people are saying across the room.

I can't block out background noise as well as most people. You're whispering across the room while I'm reading? Forget any hope of me reading correctly.

I get lost easily. I forget where I am, or where I'm going.

I forget the order of instructions. A lot.

I can't read out loud easily. I start reading, and the words jump around on me.

I stumble when speaking a lot. I slur my words, forget words, add words, mispronounce words, etc.

I get frustrated with myself. After speaking I may make a face or wince, and its usually because I'm angry with myself.

I'm a hands-on learner. I learn better by doing, than by reading materials. I could tell you exactly how we performed a hands on lab, but likely I have forgotten every word I read out of the textbook of my favorite classes.

I hold my pencil funny. I rest it on my right ring finger, rather than my middle like I should. I've been yelled at by a teacher for this too. I've tried "correcting" it, and I can't. It's like trying to write left handed when you are right hand only.

I'm overly organized and completely disorganized at the same time. My bedroom is chaos, but you put me in charge of organizing something and it will be done to perfection.

I'm artistic. One of the added perks to many people with Dyslexia is that we tend to be very creative. Artists, Actors, Writers, everything.

These are the things I deal with every day of my life. Every time I stress out, they get worse. When I'm not stressed, I thrive with Dyslexia. But once I panic, I'm done. I have to step back and calm down or nothing will get done properly.

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