Chapter 5

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Great. Just great.

When we entered the door, it first looked like a dark hallway. I admit, I was really scared. I curled up against Harry as we sat on the ground and he called Paul. He told him to send some security to pick us up. When Paul asked him where we were, he just replied : 

"I have no idea. Can't you track me ?" 

"It'll take at least 15 minutes, and when I'll know your exact location the security will arrive after five minutes. Just stay where you are. Don't go out or you might get mobbed by the fans." 

He hung up and sighed. I then felt a pain that was here for a while, but I just noticed it.  


"What's wrong ?" He asked, worried. 

"My knee... I think it's bleeding" 

"Let me take a look"  

I try to pull the jean up my knee, but I can't, it's too tight. I moan in pain - it really hurts. But I don't want to look vulnerable in front of him. Some tears escape my eyes. 

Harry looks at me, with guilt in his eyes. I wonder why he didn't ask me to remove my pants yet. It's the kind of thing he'd do. He strokes my hair, and whispers : 

"I'm so sorry. As soon as we get out of here, we'll take you to the hospital." 

"B-but I don't... w-want to go to the hospital" I say between two sobs. 

"Shhh.. Don't cry, it's okay... You'll be alright." 

He carefully touches my knee. I moan again and he removes his hand quickly, and I notice it's wet with blood.  

"Ew. That's gross." I laugh and cry in the same time. 

He laughs lightly and continues stroking my hair, with his other hand. My phone rings. I get it out of my pocket. 


"EMILY ! Where are you guys ? It's been almost an hour, we were about to call the cops !" 

"Look, Eva, Harry and I are kind of... Stuck. You guys c-can leave, I wont be able to go home with you" I say. 



"Why are you crying ?" 

"I'm not."  

"You are !"  


"Em, did Harry rape you ?" she said in all seriousness. 

"What ? N-No, he didn't rape me ! We just got mobbed by fans and now we're stuck in t-this dark hallway" 

"Oh my god." she whispers. "How are you going to get out ?" 

"Paul is sending us security" I whisper. "Hey Eva, I'll call you later." 

"Okay. Bye." 

I closed my eyes.  

"Hey, Emily ?" Harry says in his adorable husky voice. 


"I'd never, ever rape you." 

I didn't reply immediately. Tears were streaming down my face, silently. Harry Styles was making me fall for him. And I couldn't do anything about it. What I said I'd do, make him fall even deeper for me... That's just bullshit. Why would Harry Styles fall in love with me ? I'm a mess. I let out a sob. Great, now he knows that I was crying my eyes out. 

"I... I know." I finally reply. My make-up is ruined by now. I look like shit when I cry. Thanks God we're in the dark. 

I sigh.  

"I don't like y-you seeing me vulnerable... I-I'm not just some girl that faints and cries all the time. I hate thinking t-that it's what you might b-be thinking of me." I stopped crying after saying that. 

"I don't think you're just some girl that faints and cries all the time." he frowns. 

He then turns to face me. I'm looking at the ground, embarassed about my confession. 

"Hey, look at me." he says softly. I look up, my eyes still full of tears. "That's not what I think about you."

He then wipes my tears with his thumb. He looks so focused, his eyebrows furrowed. When he finishes, he relaxes a bit, and doesn't remove his hand from my face.

"I..." he starts. I look at him, confused, waiting for him to finish, but he doesn't. What was he going to say?

Someone knocked loudly on the door.

Harry gets up quickly and gives me his hand to help me. I got up, but not painlessly. More moans and tears escaped my mouth and eyes as I tried to walk on my left leg.

The door opened and three body guards appeared.

"We need an ambulance." Harry said. In the light, I could see my jeans were stained with blood.

One of the body guards talked in his walkie-talkie. We still needed to get out of the mall. I know Harry wanted to carry me again - I was struggling. But he knew I didn't want him to, and he didn't.

After a while, we arrived outside and the ambulance was waiting for us. I finally could let go - and I fell unconscious for the second time in two days.


So this is Chapter 5 ! 

It's really short, but since I got 100 reads (YAY), I'm gonna post Chapter 6 in a few minutes.

They're getting so much closer :) 

Harry is being so sweet ! But will it last long ?  

Keep on voting and commenting :) x 

Love youuu.

Make Me Believe.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن