Chapter 21

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I watched the bunch of famous and rich people dancing and talking in the huge room. I had a cup of punch in my hands, and was sipping it slowly. When we got there, I didn't feel slutty anymore... The women here looked like actual prostitutes, not even kidding.

I looked around the room. The girly fangirl Eva always has been was back, and she was next to Zayn, squeaking because of so many famous people in the same room as her. Zayn just laughed of her behavior.

This, being my first ever movie premiere, was going pretty well so far. I adored the movie. No one had told me, but it was The Amazing Spiderman. I've always loved superhero movies, especially Spiderman.

When we arrived, the boys had to go take pictures, so we stayed in the crowd with a body guard, because Louis was so worried about us getting mobbed.

"You're the pop star, not us, babe." El protested.

"Well you're the pop star's girlfriend. I'm getting you a body guard !" He says, kissing her on the nose and we all rolled our eyes. Louis had convinced her.

Some people did recognize us, and took lots of pictures. I was afraid of what might be on Twitter later. We weren't ready for these pictures - I might look horrible on it.

When Emma Stone came, I swear I was blinded by the flashes. She looked beautiful, as always. Andrew Garfield followed her, looking incredibly hot, and Eva squeaked. The british actor put his hand around Emma's waist and this time I squeaked too, because they were just so adorable together. The flashes didn't stop. To be honest, I'd never want to be famous. Rich, alright. But famous ? Never.

"What's so funny ?" I asked when Eva laughed.

"Demi Lovato is here !"

"So ?"

"Niall obviously likes her ! They text and Skype and stuff and he keeps talking about her !" She says, still smiling.

"Really ?" I was surprised. I was pretty sure there was something going on between my best friend and Niall. Then I start laughing too, because Niall noticed she was there and obviously was staring at the beautiful singer as she posed for the paparazzi. Louis whispered in Harry's ear and they started laughing. Liam noticed as well and elbowed Niall. Zayn, well, he kept posing, because that's what he does best.

Some fans had asked for pictures with Eleanor and Danielle, and my hand found Eva's. I didn't feel really close to her for a while. That's when I realized how much I've missed her. She always had been like my sister. Sure, we're different. But we love each other. I promised myself to spend more time with her.

We then went to the theater - we'd meet the guys there. I sat between Harry and Eva. I quite enjoyed the movie.

And now, there I was, standing like a loner between all of these fancy people. I was kind of enjoying the loneliness, it had been a while since I didn't actually got time for myself. I looked around.

"Hey," Someone said beside me and I jumped, since I didn't realize he was there. I turned around to see who it was.

I didn't know that guy. He had dark black hair and deep blue eyes. He looked quite young, but older than me. He was pretty cute, to be honest.

"Uhm, hi." I replied.

"What's your name ?" By his accent, I could tell he was from New York.

"I'm Emily." I simply replied after a while.

"I'm Derek."

"Hi, Derek." I smile a little.

"It's great to meet you, are you here alone ?"

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