Chapter 15

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We were all in my room, Louis, Niall, Zayn, Liam, Harry, Eva, Austin, Lily and me. Austin didn't want to come but Eva forced him. Liam, Louis, Niall and I were sitting on the carpet - don't ask me, I love to sit on carpets. Especially mine, it's fluffy and comfortable. Zayn was on my chair while Eva, Austin, Harry and Lily sat on my bed. My sister was on Harry's lap.

"What's your name ?" He asked. He didn't realize we were all silent except him.

"Lily !"

"How old are you ?"

"Thwee !" She showed him three of her fingers. He smiled and looked at me, and noticed I was staring. He smiled cheekily, which gave me tingles and made me blush. I think Louis noticed too, because he said,

"I bet Em is jealous of her sister !" Everyone laughed.

"I'm not." I rolled my eyes, trying to look indifferent. "Anyways, what are you guys doing here ?"

"We're staying at New York for two weeks !" Niall replied.

"And we're staying with them !" Eva added.

New York is a short trip from here, an hour and a half. I always go there for my vacations. I mean, New Jersey is lame.

"I can't believe I'm in my sister's room with One Direction, though" Austin said.

"He's a directioner" I whispered, and everyone laughed.

"I'm not, it's just weird ! How did you meet ?"

"Austin," Eva started. "Do you live in a cave or something ?"

"What ?"

"Your sister was allover Twitter !"

"She was ?"

"Yes, she was." I said. "Because she fainted at One Direction's backstage meet and greet because of their stupid fans who scream like they're dying or something. And this idiot," I pointed at Harry, who was still playing with Lily, "carried me."

"Oh, really ? That's weird" My brother chuckled.


"So you're coming with us or what ?" Zayn asked.

"What ? Now ?"

"No, next year." Oh. He was sarcastic. Cool. I don't understand why Zayn and I didn't talk more. "The tour bus picks us up at 7."

"But I.. Alright. I'll be back." I got up and went to my parent's room. They were playing Fruit Ninja on my dad's iPad.

"I won !" My mother shouted. "Hey, Em, who was at the door ?"

"It was One Direction. They're in my room right now with Eva and Austin and Lily." I said like it was nothing special.

"Oh. Can we meet them ?"

"Sure, but uh, Mom, Dad ? Remember when you asked me what I wanted for my birthday ?" I asked and they nodded. "Well, I want to spend two weeks with Eva and the guys at New York."

My parents didn't reply, and I thought they were going to say no. But then they looked at each other, and burst out laughing. Now I knew they were going to say no.

"That's what you want for your birthday ? Of course you can, but I thought you'd ask for something like a car, sweetie !" My dad said when they stopped laughing. "And that definitely isn't the birthday present we're giving you !"

"Oh ! Thanks !" I said. "But we're leaving.. Tonight. Is that okay ?"

"Sure ! You're 17. And New York isn't really far anyways."

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