Sunset and her group watch Red vs Blue. Part 1 the start of something new.

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that start of something new.

Author's Notes:

this story starts around the same time that Twilight and her friends were watching the third Episode of Death Battle. Just giving you guys a good idea where this all takes place, also we will make references to the MLP comics Equestria girl shorts. I hope you all enjoy the story.

In the deep vastness of space where only the most powerful of beings resided, beings with vast knowledge and wisdom that we mere mortals could never hope to ever comprehend and-!!!

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! Did you see Luna lay the verbal smack down on those two!?" laughed the fiery being known as Deadman. He was laughing to such a degree, you would think he was about to burst out of his straight jacked.

"Yes it was quite amazing to see her do that along with unconsciously tapping into the power of nothing," said the humanoid being of blue energy Trepp. "Now be quiet i'm trying to read."

"Ah~! you do nothing but read you egghead!"

..... Sigh, i really need to stop trying to hype this idiots up.

"You really should, it would save you the time and sanity,"

"Ya! I'm not the sharpest crayon in the tool shed but even i know that trying to do anything by the book when working with chaos gods is just pointless."laughed Deadman.

.... You know what fuck it, I'll just give the readers the lowdown on what's happening,
So a little bit back these two chuckle fucks sent a TV and a box containing the episodes of the internet web show DEATH BATTLE to the world of Equestria. Doing this, they have have already caused some changes to the world, like having Luna unlock the Power Of Nothingness.

"And i still thinks that's the best thing ever."

"Though i'm worried that might tip Harmony off to our presence sooner than we hoped." muttered Trepp while thinking deeply on what might happen.

"Pfff! You worry too much!" laughed Deadman, much to Trepp's annoyance.

Yes the two chaos gods are running a big risk pulling these kind of stunts, for every change no matter how big or small will eventually attracted the attention of Equestria's goddess of order Harmony. If they aren't careful they would have the ire of one of the oldest gods of order baring down on them.

"Which is why i think this new idea is way too risky," said Trepp. He new what Deadman had in mind would get them into deep trouble, trouble that he wanted no part of even if his fellow god's latest plan has been entertaining and has cured a long agonizing boredom.

Deadman clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Oh please if we haven't been found out yet, why should we worry now?"

"Maybe because of the beatdown Harmony's gonna deliver to you once she finds out," Trepp explained, looking at his fellow god as if it was obvious.

"Please~ i'm not scared of her."

"Liar..." said Trepp giving deadman the flattest look he could make. Dealing with Deadman gave him a lot of practice in that regard.

You all are probably confused on what this idiots are talking about aren't you? Well let me explain, you see after the "success" of Deadman's latest scheme to relieve boredom he now believes it's a smart idea to push their luck and mess with the human world counterpart of Equestria.

"Why he thinks that is a mystery to me," muttered Trepp.

"Come on man! Trust me on this!"

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