Sunset and her group watch Red vs Blue. Part 9 co-workers and headaches.

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We find ourselves yet again at the Schemer where Sunset made her way towards her boss Mugshot, who looked like he was about to blow a gasket.

"Pops!" Sunset shouted as she made her way towards her father figure, trying to catch her attention. "So what going on that you needed me on a day off?"

Muttering a few curses and giving a few employees the stink eye to get them to work faster, the bartender just gave his daughter in all but name a tired look.

"*sigh* where going through the rush hour and our best customers are here," muttered the bartender/second boss while scratching his beard. "While that would be a good thing the downside is that most of them are here for the live performance."

"And I guess that's what got you in such a foul mood?" Sunset muttered as she handed her jacket to one of the barmaids who gave Sunset a wink before heading off to put the jacket on the coat hanger.

"It's more for the fact that the stars of the show won't leave their dressing room." Mugshot said with a growl. "And the waitresses are too scared to go near them, and I ain't going into the girls dressing room."

"And I guess that's why you called me," Sunset muttered while trying to keep a migraine from coming up.

Also trying to keep his head from hurting as well, Mugshot gave Sunset an apologetic look. "Sorry about this but I'll make sure you get paid for this one, it's the least I can do calling ya on your day off."

".....*sigh*... I'll see what I can do," muttered Sunset as she made her way to the back where the dressing rooms where located.

Standing in front of the dressing room for the singers Sunset let out a sigh as she knocked on the door.

"Hey! Can you three hurry up? Pops is losing his mind because you're not leaving your room," Sunset yelled but not getting a response, letting out a low growl the sun-themed girl opened the door and made her way inside.

You three better be decent," Sunset muttered as she walked in, but not seeing anyone in the dressing room. Confused the Sun themed teen looked around the room and stopped in front of the closet while giving the room another glance.

Where did those three run off to?" muttered Sunset she tried to guess where the hell the singers were, not noticing that the closet was slowly opening and three pairs of hands reached out and grabbed the sun-themed teen and dragged her into the closet before the door slammed shut.

Struggling in the darkness Sunset was about start yelling but was quickly silenced by a pair of soft lips. Being caught by surprised Sunset was too stunned to react properly and the small kiss soon became a heated makeout session that left Sunset a little zapped of energy.

After that little make-out session Sunset was left speechless as her attacker reached up and pulled the light switch that was hanging in the closet. Giving it a tug Sunset soon saw that her attacker was someone she knew all too well.

"Adagio!? What the heck are you-!!!" Sunset's rant was cut short as the lead siren that nearly took over the world a while back placed her lips over Sunset's again.

Pulling away and giving the sun-themed girl a smug look and said. "Is that any way to act around your girlfriends? Especially after you've been ditching us for the past few days?"

Sunset was about to refute that statement but the guilt stopped her... that and the fact that she felt someone's hands cupping her breast from behind.

"Sonata!" Sunset yelled as she looked over her shoulder to see the younger siren give her a cute smile and a wink. She then felt a tug at her pants, looking down she saw Aria on her knees trying to undo Sunset's belt.

"*Tch!* Why do you keep getting these stupid belts?" muttered the middle siren as she tried to undo the belt.

Blushing from her girlfriend's attention, Sunset groaned out. "Girls we need to get back to work! I went through the trouble of helping you three out when I got you this job."

"And we're thankful," Adagio said as she planted a kiss on Sunset's cheek. "But your adoptive father is overreacting."

"Yeah!" Sonata said with a cheer while also slipping her hands under Sunset's shirt, getting a squeak of surprise from said girl. "Our show doesn't start for another hour!"

"And we'd rather stay in here then wait on stage where we'd be harassed by some drunk perv," muttered Aria.

Glaring at the thought of that happening Sunset let out a growl. "Like I'd let that happen."

"We know sweety," Adagio purred out, love seeing how protective Sunset could get.

"Still doesn't explain why you didn't just tell pops this?" muttered Sunset as she gave up trying to wiggle out of her girlfriend's grasp. "He would understand and would have given you your space."

"Yeah... but then he wouldn't have called you." Sonata said with an impish smile.

"And we're going to use every minute we have with you," Aria said as she got the belt buckle undone.

As the sirens were wrapped up in their... activities. Sunset let out a tired sigh as she decided to just say fuck it(heh) and just go along with it.

'40 minutes can't hurt,' the sun-themed girl thought as the closet and dressing room were soon filled with the moans of the group.


Well, that took longer than usual. Oh well, see ya, next time.

Sunset and her group watch Red vs Blue.Where stories live. Discover now