Sunset and her group watch Red vs Blue. Part 2 Hey, why are we here?

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Hey, why are we here?

"So why are we here?" asked Rainbow Dash, as the rest of the group where all making themselves at home in Sunset's apartment. Taking a seat on Sunset's couch, Rainbow watched as her friends were doing something to occupy themselves as Sunset kneeled in front of the TV connecting her DVD player. Fluttershy was feeding Ray, Sunset's pet lizard, as Rarity painted Applejack's nails after finally convincing the cowgirls to give her a manicure. Pinkie was in the kitchen doing Pinkie things while Twilight did some of her homework, in other words Rainbow was a bit bored.

"Yes darling, do tell us what was so important that you practically dragged us here from school," said Rarity with hint of irritation. It was nothing against Sunset or anything, it was just Rarity didn't fancy being anywhere near the ghetto, and sadly Sunset's place was right on the border of ghetto territory.

"Yeah. Even though I like hanging out with you, I was planning on making a thirty-two flavor ice cream cake," Pinkie explained, getting a far away look in her eyes. "Thirty-two flavors," Pinkie muttered, drooling at the thought of sweets.

".... Pinkie's future case of diabetes aside, i have to agree, i wanted to practice some soccer moves today." Rainbow Dash said just as Sunset was connecting the last cable to her tv.

"Aaand done!" cheered Sunset in slight triumph. Getting up and dusting herself off she turned towards her group of friends and gave them a sheepish smile. "sorry about that girls, it's just been awhile since i had to use this thing."

"So what is it that you wanted to show us that involves your DVD player," Twilight asked, closing her textbook and putting away her homework.

"It better not be raunchy," Applejack stressed, remembering the time she walked in on Sunset watching some really graphic porn. Don't even ask what it was, that stuff was so pixelated censored that it looked like a freaking kaleidoscope. "I can never forget what I saw," Applejack muttered, looking away. She would also not forget the fact that Sunset seems to prefer watching her porn in the nude.

"Hey you were the one who didn't knock!" shot back Sunset with a small blush of embarrassment dusting her amber cheeks.

"Why do you even have dvds of that stuff? You can get plenty of it on the internet," Applejack suggested.

"AJ, you've gotta be able to appreciate the classics! It's what separates the perverts from the connoisseurs," Sunset explained with a confident tone as if she was giving sage like advice.

"I think you've been hanging around the city too much..." Applejack groaned.

"Umm can we please get back to the original topic?" whispered Fluttershy, while sporting a nearly glowing blush. She really wanted to get off this subject especially if Sunset accidentally let it slip on WHO gave her said porn, spoiler alert it was Fluttershy... it's always the quiet ones.

"I agree with Shy on this one guys, can we go back to talking about what you wanted to show us?" Rainbow Dash said with a nod, trying desperately to get the images out of her head.

Sunset couldn't help but let out a small laugh at her friend's flustered faces. "*giggle* Ok so to answer Twilight's question, the reason why i dragged you all here is to watch this DVD's with me."

"....what?" asked Applejack with a flat look. The rest of the group ether had the same look or where just confused.

Realising that she needed to explain a little bit more Sunset quickly continued. "W-well you see i got a package with no return address and i was wondering if you guys would just watch it with me."

Sunset and her group watch Red vs Blue.Where stories live. Discover now