Sunset and her Group watch Red vs Blue. Part 7. Watching some P.S.A.

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Last time, on Sunset's group watch Red vs Blue.


Now back to the story.

We find the group still in Sunset's apartment, though it seems things where a little tense, after the whole porn thing a bit ago.

"I can't believe your mad about this...." muttered Sunset.

"Well I am!" snapped Twilight. The rest of the group just sitting by and watching the argument go on.

"But grounding me is bullshit!" Sunset snapped back. "What next? Spanking?.... Please tell me their will be some spanking from you guys. Sunset said with a slight purr. Getting a few blushes from the group.

".... let's just watch some more vids," muttered Twilight, while staring up the dvd player.


Grif and Simmons standing in front of the red base.

Simmons: Hi. I'm Private Dick Simmons, of the popular web-series, Red Vs. Blue.

"Wait isn't this supposed to be a normal episode?" Pinkie Pie wondered.

"Sounds like one of them special announcements they use to do in those old cartoons," Applejack admitted since she heard plenty of them.

"Kind of odd hearing talk outside the show though," muttered Twilight.

'Heh, Private Dick,' Sunset laughed in her head. Knowing that right now she was on thin ice with Twilight, and didn't want to get another lecture after the last one.

Grif: And I'm Private Dexter Grif from the same show.

"We know, now get to the point," Rainbow commented loudly as she leaned back in her seat.

Simmons: But you know what? We're not here to talk to you today as famous actors.

"Famous actors? I highly doubt that," Rarity mocked with a shake of her head. Pinkie was about to say something since there's a bunch of dvds, but decided against it. It wasn't worth the agreement or the time.

Grif: That's right Dick, we're here to talk to you as friends.

"That's a goddamn lie and you know it," Applejack snorted while crossing her arms. She's ready to call out any and all things that are bullshit.

Simmons: In our show, Red Vs. Blue, we poke fun at things like the military lifestyle, and weapons of mass destruction.

"Somethings you shouldn't joke about," whispered Fluttershy.

Grif: But weapons of mass destruction are no laughing matter. Each year, several planets-

Bullet trail over their heads and into the background and Simmons ducks.

Simmons: Hey!

Grif: Hey!

"That didn't take long," Pinkie giggled.

"I'm guessing that's Church," Sunset guessed while pointing at the screen. After seeing the first season she knew there was only one soldier who couldn't hit anything if he tried.

Simmons: Son of a bitch!

Grif: You.. Cut it out dick! We're trying to do something!

Church: (off screen) Hey red, you suck! blue rules!

"Someone better pick up that phone," Sunset said, putting her arms behind her head.

"What?" Twilight asked, looking at her friend.

Sunset and her group watch Red vs Blue.Where stories live. Discover now