-when they're away

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- FaceTimes you during car rides
- Posts funny pictures of you on Instagram
- tweets you
- goes through his camera roll looking at pictures of you two

- texting you constantly
- being really quiet
- you're all he can think about !!
- sending you pictures at every place he goes

- FaceTimes you basically the whole time
- posts about how he misses you
- "l miss you so much" every five seconds
- "jack, you just said that. But l miss you too Fred Savage."

- always checking up on you
- acts like you guys will be apart for years
- "Wyatt, I'm fine! We're gonna be fine! l miss you too."
- long calls all night

- sends you funny videos
- buys you lots of gifts
- tweets about how great you are and @'s you
- "l miss my baby so much ugh"

- FaceTimes you
- checks up on you to see how your doing
- tries to act chill but is actually dying inside
- eventually breaks and gets emotional

- buys you souvenirs
- texts you all throughout the day with updates
- sends you funny snapchats
- listens to songs that remind her of you

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