- fave Jeremy quotes

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i'm a lil late but it's in honor of my underrated bbs bday

"I'm Jeremy Ray Taylor, starring as Ben Hanscom in IT... still not verified though."

(about Nic) "One second he's beating me up, one second he's hugging me. it's really weird."

"Hello! I'm Jeremy Ray Taylor! and this mic is fake. it does nothing. it doesn't matter."

wyatt: I'm Joe Kingh
Jeremy: "about what?"

"First question: cats or dogs?

"Hi i'm Jeremy and you're watching disney channel"

"welcome back to me screaming *screams quietly*"

"my three favorite words are moist, succulent and squirt"

"fact number four! *sings* i CaN nOt RiDe My BiCyClE"

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