- how protective they are

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- not very
- gives you a little space
- occasionally freaks out
on pervs in your comments
"dude leave her alONE"

- not at all
- only interferes when you
ask him to
- super chill bf and not scary
enough anyways

- wowowow protective noodle boi
- leave my girl alone !!
- will probably cut someone
if necessary i swear

- not really ig lmao
- doesn't confront ppl
- but is v upset and mad abt it

- only a little doesn't freak out easily
- but will occasionally be like
"got a problem with my girl?? biOTCH"
- cute protective

- nonono
- a cute little squish
- not intimidating enough to scare
people away but sometimes he'll try

- yeeeeeEEEEE
- not intimidating physically
but damn she's scary mentally
- will roast your life, end your career and
snatch your wig if you mess with her gf

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