'S Wonderful~ *Sanders Sides*

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A/n Ok this needs some explaining. First off: It's a song fic. The song is from An American in Paris and I just HAD to make a one-shot for it. I also got the vaguest request ever  from https://www.quotev.com/Sam6879 ("Virgil x Reader*), so I combined both ideas. I got a little carried away and now it's a choose-your-own-ending four-part adventure. The endings will be posted when I can get to them starting with Virgil's to appease the requester. This intro sounds stupid and complicated and I honestly hate it, but I can assure you the endings will be MUCH better. Thank you and I hope you like it!

Oh and whatever's in italics is the song.


I trudged down the stairs, hood over my head and my hands shoved deep into my pockets. I was trying to hide the fact I was blushing, by keeping my eyes glued to the floor. I flopped onto the couch and tried to calm the butterflies in my stomach.

You see, I just finished talking to the love of my life. They had just texted me out of the blue and we talked for what felt like hours. When they had to go to an important meeting, I still felt like I was waltzing on Cloud 9.

"Someone looks happy." A chipper voice broke into my thoughts. I looked up to see Thomas smiling down at me.

I hid my face. "Go away."

He sat next to me. "Ah C'mon! What's got Anxiety so cheerful today?"

I turned away from him. "Nothing. Leave me alone."

Before he could pry further, a different voice interrupted. "Thomas you will not believe what a wonderful day I've been having!"

I growled as Thomas smiled up at him. "Oh? You've been having a good day as well? How so?"

"I am in love!" He shouted dramatically. "And I've decided to propose."

"Hey, congrats!" Thomas stood up to shake his hand. "I hope they say yes."

"I hope they say yes too." Roman sighed.

"I hope they say no," I mumbled to myself.

"Did I hear that one of us is getting married?" I looked up to see Patton bouncing up and down excitedly.

Thomas nodded. "Yeah. Roman's proposing to the love of his life tonight, right?"

"Right." He confirmed.

"Aww! Cute! I want to be invited to the wedding." Patton squealed.

"Of course! In fact, you'll be one of my groomsmen." Roman replied.

Patton screeched and hugged Prince Stupid. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Ah, good. You're all here." I groaned as Logan came up from behind me. "I have a question that I would like to discuss with you all."

"What is Logan?" Thomas asked.

"I think." He paused. "I think I'm in love."

Patton choked on air with excitement before squeezing the life out of Logan. "All my babies are growing up and falling in love!"

"I'm not in love," I muttered to myself.

"Oh, sure you are." Thomas rolled his eyes and I gave him a horrified look. "Oh please, you never smile like that. It obviously means you're in love."

"No, it doesn't." I tried to hide my growing blush but to no avail.

"Agh! Roman, Logan, and Virgil are all in love!" Patton squished his face together before sitting on the couch. "Tell me ALL about it, each of you."

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