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We finished off the song and I smiled. We were practicing a new song we were going to release. We laughed as Corbyn cheered, saying we could all get peppermint lattes, his charge. We all went our separate ways to get ready for us to go out.

When we arrive, I smile a the familiar coffee place. Eli was standing at the counter talking to the person he was helping. When we walked through the door, his eyes landed on our group and he smiled when he saw me.

As we made our way to the front desk, I made sure to be first. "Hey, Eli." I say to him.

"Hey Zach. And I am guessing these are your band mates?" He asks. I nod and point to each of them, naming them off.

"Jonah, Corbyn, Daniel, and Jack." I thought it was funny. The man I was trying to get over is in front of the person who I am trying to for get him for.

"We came down for peppermint lattes." I said smiling. "By the way, Corbyn is paying."

He glanced at me with a smile and put in the order. "Bet or something?" He asked.

"No. He offered, surprisingly." I said with a laugh. Corbyn shot me a glare and pulled out money to pay for us.

We chatted with Eli until the coffees came and we sat down. The first thing that came out of someone's mouth was, "You never told us about him."

I blushed. "We've only been on a few dates. Nothing major."

"Hey, maybe you could invite him to Corbyn's party at the beach. I mean, Jack's girlfriend is going, why can't he?" Daniel says. I nod.

"Maybe. Guess you will have to ask." Corbyn says. Jonah shoots me a worried glance but I give him a reassuring look. He was worried that with May there, I would get jealous, but I knew I would be fine. Hopefully.

"Maybe. What, it is in a few days?" I ask. Daniel nods and I give him a soft smile.

"Maybe tonight I will ask." I say. They nod and start to chatter around while I stared out the window.

I meet Jack's girlfriend while he meets my, well, friend?

I took a quick picture in the mirror and posted it on my story saying, "Party ready". I quickly put my phone away and walked downstairs to see the other boys.

Everything was set up, so we left as soon as everyone is ready. The others would meet us there so we didn't need to pick them up.

When we arrived, there was a fire going and everything. There were many people, I could also spot Logan there, and I was shocked when a girl ran up to us.

"Christina!" Corbyn yelled excitedly. He wrapped her in a hug and we sat there and watched the reunited couple.

I turned to see the face I was waiting to see. I walked over to him and gave him a smile.

"Hey." I said cheesily. He smirked.

"Hey." He said with a laugh. We talked for a bit until Jack and a woman came up to us.

"Hey Zach, Eli, meet May." He said. I looked at her and smiled.

No wonder Jack likes her. She looks so beautiful. But, in my opinion, Jack looked better.

She was short, about five foot five with long brown hair that went down in waves. She had pure blue eyes and at that moment, if I didn't know Daniel's family, I could say she looked as if she could be his sister.

"Hello, Zach. Hello Eli. I am May, if you can't tell." She said with a grin.

"Hey, May." I said.

"You were a poet and you didn't even know it." She said cheekily.

"Guess I can rhyme anytime." I said with a laugh. I could tell already, even though I really wish we wouldn't, that we would be great friends.

We talked with a few other people that night until it was close to dark. Everyone was around the campfire singing and playing guitar and what not, but I sat on the dock away from everyone. That was until I felt the bridge shake and someone sit next to me.

We sat there in silence for a while until they spoke up. "Why aren't you with everyone else?"

"Guess I am not wanting to be by people tonight. I have a lot on my mind." I say to Eli.

"What is it about?" He asks.

"It may sound weird but, I don't really know? My head feels full of thoughts but I don't know which one to think about."

"Oh." He says. We sat these in silence again.

"Look at how beautiful the sunset it." He said with a smile. I glance at him and smirk.

"You are more beautiful." I say with a smile. He blushes and leans his head on me.

"Not like you." He says back. I chuckle and kiss his forehead.

"You are cuter." I say. He shakes his head.

"Nu uh-" I cut him off by abruptly putting my lips on his. He pulled back is shock but after registering what happened, he leaned in again.

His lips were slightly chapped due to the cold weather, but I didn't mind. He tasted of the smell in the store, strawberries and vanilla.

I pulled away and gave him a small smile while he blushed. " I don't know if anything is going to make this night better." He said with a smile. I chuckled and kissed his forehead.

"I know what will." I said glancing at him.

"What will?" He asks. I smile at him and grab his hand, kissing the back of it.

"Eli, I may not have known you long, but I want to ask you. Will you be my boyfriend?" I say smiling. His eyes go wide and he smiles, nodding his head.

"Of course!"

ImZachHerron We don't have nicknames yet, so can I call you mine? ❤️ Tagged: Eli

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ImZachHerron We don't have nicknames yet, so can I call you mine? ❤️ Tagged: Eli.Lane

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Word Count: 1049

Noodle Boy | Jachary | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now