23: Tears

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I promise, I won't come back.

Kendall's words echo in my head. She has kept her promise so far. I haven't seen her at all, and it's been weeks. I never went to Jacob's party, and I haven't spoken to Jordan ever since he asked me that question.

I've been alone this entire time, hiding myself in the library during lunch and sitting at the back of the classroom. I try my best to avoid any contact, and it hurts me to know that I've lost my best friend, the one I've shared so many memories and secrets with. I guess she didn't share all her secrets.

I decide to pick up my phone, staring at the bright screen in my dimly lit bedroom. I've had a few calls from Jacob, who is probably concerned with me like he usually is, and I've also gotten calls from Sean, since he's also my best friend. He must be confused, and it's obvious that Kendall hasn't told anyone else about herself.

I close my eyes, thinking for a moment. Should I call Sean? I've been distancing myself from everyone, including him. I feel like I need someone to talk to, and I know that Sean's presence is the best choice. But, how would he react if I tell him about Kendall's confession? Would he hate me? Would he still be my friend? I'm afraid. I've already lost one of my best friends. I can't lose the other.

I bite my lower lip, almost causing it to bleed. I press his name in my contact list, and before I knew it, I was talking to him on the phone, tears stinging my eyes.

"Maya? Is it you? You haven't spoken to me in so long. God, what happened to you?" I hear Sean speaking, drowning me with more questions. His accented voice is filled with concern, and I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in.

"Nothing happened," I lie. I hear Sean letting out a sigh of relief through the other side of the phone.

"Why have you been ignoring me? Is it something I've done? Kendall hasn't been speaking to me either. I tried approaching her the other day, but she walk away from me. I just don't understand what's going on, and-"

"Calm down, Sean," I interrupt him, sighing.

"Calm down? How can I calm down when literally everything wrong is happening around me?" Sean asks.

Even more tears begin to pool into my eyes. "I don't think I'm friends with Kendall anymore." I take a gasp of hair, my breath hitching. The tears begin to fall even faster.

"What? Do you want me to come over? Maya, I need to know you're alright. I don't know what's going on." I can hear Sean's panicked voice.

"Please, come over."

After half an hour, I watch Sean parking his car in my drive way, and he steps out of the car, quickly dashing towards me with a worried look on his face. I run into his arms, crying harder than a have for the past several weeks.

"I don't know how this happened, Sean," I tell him, weeping into his shoulder. It doesn't even matter to me that the autumn wind is swirling around me. I could freeze to death and not even care. I lost my best friend, and I think I'm losing Jordan too.

"We should go in," Sean says, with concern still in his voice. "You might get sick."

I shake my head, the warm tears on my cheek suddenly turning cold. "No, Sean, I can't go back in there. I want to leave. Please, don't make me go in there," I beg him. An image of Jordan's teary eyes appears in my head, and I cry even more.

Sean doesn't even ask me why I don't want to go back into my own house. He just takes me back into his car, silence lingering between us as he takes me back to his home.


I updated 2 times because both of these chapters are short. Sorry for the depressing chapters, by the way :(

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