
He looked lonely, so I sat by him. Simple as that.

We occasionally shared a glance, but we mostly stared out at the swirling crowd. Sweet, our company was. Never any problems, never any fighting, always just being. Our bond was stronger that way, I could feel it strengthening the more I joined him on the lonely steps. 

We were always there, rain or shine. Even on the rare occasion that one of us was not there, the other would sit, waiting. 

What we were waiting for remained a mystery for a long time. I suppose I know now, but it's a secret, I mustn't tell you yet. The most I can do is tell you that we were waiting for something.

We didn't know we were waiting, we just were. We sat there faithfully, though we were unsure of why. To say that we were unreliable would be a blatant lie.

Most days it would be sunny, but as Autumn set in it grew cold and gloomy. To others, the cold and gloomy days may have seemed like a drag, lifeless and empty. But to me, they were like heavy blankets of fog, wrapping Sam and I up in our own little world. We could get lost in its thick haze, pleasantly lulled by the sound of silence. Not a word or note could slip between the fabric of the fog, isolating us in a vacuum of space where nothing matters. Simpler things could run through our heads, and we'd have no reason to make needless chatter. No words must be spoken.

It was nice to sit with Sam, because I feel like he felt the same way. He enjoyed the silence as mush as I did, not filling the air with meaningless noise and hot air. He was content to sit here with me, our shoulders touching as we observed everything from far away. When I became aware that his shoulder was brushing against mine, I amused myself by watching his eyelashes flutter when he blinked and his fingers intertwining over and over. I used to watch him from farther away, but it was nicer to see him close by. His face was more defined, his hair looked softer. 

When I decided to sit next to him, he looked lonely. But maybe that wasn't my original reason.

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