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Camomile. Her favourite. The tea I'm named after. Thething she loved anove all, except for maybe me. She detested my father, the cheating scumbag that he is.

But her opinions don't matter any more. Why? Because she's dead. Died in a car crash. An 'accident' they say. But I know it wasn't. She was on her way to court to fight with my father over custody of me. They only broke up two years ago, but that's lomg enougj for them to calm down. I don't want to go with my father. He doesn't care much about me. He didn't even tell his girlfriend that was married. She didn't know that she was the person breaking up my parents marriage. She only found put after my mum doed. But, she truely loved him. And she's the only thing to look forwards to.
Blaring lights, sirens
Racing towards the smoke plume
A red fire truck
Pinterest chain posts
Quick! Repost or your Mum dies!
Annoying as hell
Tor reads Matilda
Silently scanning pages
And picking his nose

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