🎁🎂Birthday Contest🎂🎁

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So I've been wanting to do contests for a while and now seems like the perfect time! My birthday is coming up and I wanted to have a contest for it. So here are the rules

1. Do not copy or steal others work

2. Do not cheat

3. You may use any form of art, granted you be able to post it, where I can see it. (Music, drawing, dancing, writing, etc.)

So now for the actual thing.

You have until November 30th (my birthday) to create something that tells me about what you believe I am. If it's a drawing, make it include what I like and don't don't floating around me or something. If it's a song, you have to say what you think my theme song is. If it's a story, tell me about what you think my life, outside of wattpad is like. If it's a dance, make it interptitive or something. I can't wait to see all your entries!

To enter the contest make sure that you tag me @Shadowprincess87 and it's its on another website, send me the link! I can't wait to see what you guys make!

There will be three winners in total, but everyone who participates get a shout out.

1st Place Prize: Shoutout, story of your choice , drawing of your choice (as in I'll create them) and  a very heartfelt letter about how I love you!

2nd Place Prize: Shout out, Story or drawing of choice (have to choose one) and a heart felt letter about how I love you!

3rd Place Prize: Shout out and a very very heartfelt letter about how I love you!

If you want to participate, tell me in the comments and give me the password! Which in your favroite song! I love you all!

If you want to participate, tell me in the comments and give me the password! Which in your favroite song! I love you all!

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Birthday Picture up above.

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