Some help for contest

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So to help people create something that represents me. I'm gonna share some fun facts about me that devolped me.

1. I absolutely love the sound of ticking clocks because when I was really little and stayed with my grandparents alone, if I couldn't sleep I'd go to their living room and stare as a clock they had on the wall and would just listen to it for hours

2. I used to be obsessed with the moon and the stars because I thought they were so pretty

3. Sailor moon was my favorite anime, becuase it had female protagonists that were amazing a5 their jobs.

4. I have a teddy bear that I've had since I was two. She's been with me through thick and thin. I named her Teddy but my grandma always call ed her Theodora because she could never tell if teddy was a boy or girl. She still has trouble remembering sometimes, but most people assume she's a girl (which she is) because she's a dress.

5. I'm the oldest cousin in my family and always smile around my cousins cause I don't want them knowing I have so many troubles. Even though I sometimes cry myself to sleep.

6. I always draw myself with a bob cut and bangs. She has bright blue eyes and half her hair is pastel pink, the other is pastel purple. I don't know why I draw myself like this.

7. My first girl crush was one of my very good friends who tried to help me figure out my sexuality. We're still friends but aren't that close

8. I participated in a protest with a black pixie cut wig on becuase I wanted to support my transgender brother who had a simailar hairstyle at the time.

9. I try to love everyone because everyone is amazing and maybe there's something I don't know about behind their mask.

10. My charecter Shadow is my first OC. She's gone through many looks, names and color styles and I love her and I'll never ever forget her.

11. I'm very curious when it comes to different things that I often film things to see what they look like. (Such as when I cross my eyes or when I flip my hair)

12. I have a stuffed animal Army, including a giant panda plush that Ive had since I was born.

13. I reported my art teacher for harresment against another student, even though I hated that student. She told him to get back on his meds which is offensive because I have ADHD and used to have to take meds to calm myself down

14. I love the book ,To kill a mocking bird because it gives a bunch of depth and because my mo wanted to name me after Scout.

15. I've been on wattpad for two years and I've loved every single friend I've made, even if they hurt me...

Sorry for the long post. Here's a picture of my teddy bear

I'm thinking of making her full name

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I'm thinking of making her full name

Theodosia (Teddy) Maroon

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