Maria's Life

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Maria said thank you. Then he said him Maria my name is Benjamin and I'm 17. Maria said me too. Maria said Benjamin this is my friend Christina and she's 17 too.

Benjamin said are u new to this school. Maria said yea, Benjamin said me too. After that Christina said Maria and Benjamin kissing in the tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G. Maria said really Christina. Christina said Benjamin is totally into you. Maria said I know but I'm shy. Christina said don't be shy. Then school was over, Maria went in her house and her mom and dad said how was school she said great. Then her oldest sister Sofia who is 19 said hi.

 Then her oldest sister Sofia who is 19 said hi

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Sofia said how was school Maria, Maria said ok. Maria said how was College Sofia, Sofia said amazing. After that Maria was doing her homework. Then her mom made pasta for dinner. Maria went to bed for school tomorrow.

The next day, Christina said hey maria, Maria said hey Christina. Christina said I have history,Maria said I have french.

She went in the french class then guess who Maria saw. She saw Benjamin, Benjamin said hi Maria,Maria said hi Benjamin. Maria said I didn't even know we were going to be in the same class. Benjamin said me and my girlfriend Julia is in the same class as us too. Maria said oh u have a girlfriend, Benjamin said sorry I didn't tell u, Maria said it's ok. Then the girl Julia looked familiar, and she did. Julia was the popular girl who told Maria that she couldn't sit at her table.

 Julia was the popular girl who told Maria that she couldn't sit at her table

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Julia was 17, she was in the same class as me . She is rude, she always talk about people and hurt there feelings. 

Julia came up to us and said hey babe, Benjamin said hey babe. Julia said hi Maria,Maria said hi Julia. Benjamin said u guys know each other, Julia said me and Maria are in the same class room.

Maria RiveraWhere stories live. Discover now