Maria's Life

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Maria told Christina that do u remember Julia. Christina said the popular girl who is in our class, Maria yea, Christina said what about her, Maria said her and Benjamin are boyfriend and girlfriend. Christina said omg, you and Benjamin are suppose to be together,not him and Julia. I know but I have to find a way that him and Julia can break up. Christina said I got a plan, you can pretend u don't like me and you and me can go to lunch and act like we don't like each other no more and she is going to ask you to be in her group and do the dirty work. Maria said that is an amazing plan. After that Maria went to coffee shop with her sister Sofia. Sofia said how was school, Maria said not great, Sofia said why, Maria said because this popular girl in my class and she's rude and her name is Julia and she is what the guy that I have a crush. Sofia said tell me what happened. Maria said well yesterday me and my friend Christina were walking down the hallway and accidentally drop my stuff and his name is Benjamin, so he helped me and we were both new to this school some smile at each other, and Christina told me that she thinks Benjamin has a crush on me and then I had to go to science lab and me and Benjamin were in the same class and we said hi and Julia came and said hey babe and Benjamin said hey babe back, then Julia said hi to me and Benjamin said do me and Julia Kno each other and we said were in the same class. Then I told Christina everything and me and her made a plan, Sofia said what plan, after that I told her and she said it was a good idea.

The next day, we were at lunch in front of Julia and me and Christina acted like we were arguing, then Julia called my name and said Maria do wanna be in my group and I said yes. Then it worked and Maria and Julia's Crew went shopping,so they can get Maria fabulous.So Maria told Christina to follow them to the mall to see what's gonna on. Julia invited Benjamin to the mall, Maria looked fabulous, Benjamin said wow to Maria and Julia thought he was talking about her.

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