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I was walking through a meadow. Orange flowers dotted the lush green grass, giving off an overpowering sweet scent. It reminded me of rot.

I looked around but all I could see as far as my sight line went was the meadow.

"Ezra." A voice so hauntingly familiar called out from behind me.

I turned and there she was. My mother was only about twenty feet away. A brilliant white dress billowed around her frame. Her strawberry blond was loose without a trace of gray. Her face was unlined by stress and worry. 

She smiled openly and held open her arms. "Ezra"

"Mama!" I ran towards her, my bare feet cushioned by the soft grass.

I could barely touch her when it all changed.

I was still in the field but it had become more like a swamp. I had sunk into the warm mud up to my knees and music had started. 

It was a song Niki loved to torture me with and it blared from all around. 

It's raining tacos!
From out of the sky!

Even as the song began to play, hard shell tacos began to fall all around me. They disappeared the moment they touched the mud. Part of me wanted to reach out and grab a taco, but the rational part of my brain was screaming What the fuck is going on?!

Something lightly brushed the back of my head. I turned slowly, mud pulling at my pajama bottoms. Hovering there was another one of those red balloons.

It's shiny surface reflected the black marks on my face as if they'd been drawn on the balloon itself. My wide blue eyes took on a purplish tint, looking almost like the devil Emma thinks I am.

Despite the anxiety in my stomach I wasn't afraid as I slowly reached out and cupped both sides of the balloon. Still staring into it I brought to chest level. It was warm, like it had been left in the sun.

No need to ask why!

Looking past the balloon is when I saw Him for the first time.  Hundreds of balloons identical to the one I held obscured his face, but there wasn't a doubt in my mind it was him.

I could see a white gloves hand holding the strings. A silver clown suit covered his towering frame. Orange Pom poms ran down the front in the place of buttons.

"Pennywise." The figure didn't respond to my whisper so I shouted the name. "Pennywise!"

Driven by the need to see my father's face I tried to run to him, but the mud reduced my movement to a stumbling crawl. "Pennywise!"

I was almost to him when I stopped. I was close enough to see my face reflected in red a hundred times. My breathing was harsh as I reached toward his hand.

My trembling fingers met his soft glove. "Let me see your face."

Childish laughter came from all around, replacing the song. His velvety voice came from behind the wall of red. "In time little Ezie."

I jerked forward in a desperate attempt to push the balloons aside and fell to my bedroom floor.

Pain sparked in my shoulder as I clawed my way to a sitting position. The sheets on my bed were a tangled mess and a thin sheen of sweat covered my body.

As I stood I looked down and saw drying mud crusted my plaid pajama bottoms. Tied to the post of my bed was a floating red balloon with the words Be Patient printed on it in white.

A/N- Don't hate me cause I'm trash!!😭😭 I just love that song 😂😂🌮🌮🌮🖤🖤🖤

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