His Name was Georgie

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I was flopped on the couch, screwing up my courage. The steady tick of the clock above my head my only companion. Niki had invited her girlfriend over, and they were upstairs doing god knows what.

My limp hand had its fingers loosely wrapped around the remote, but had neglected to push any buttons. The dark screen reflected my small, limp frame haphazardly thrown on the couch. My snowy skin lighting up a small patch of screen, though my marks were lost in the dark.

Unable to stare at my own prone form any longer, I pushed myself up and I jogged up the stairs. When I reached Niki's bedroom door I hesitated. I uttered a couple quick raps with one knuckle, and waited.

After a moment Niki opened the door, just a crack. "Yeah Ezie?"

There was a small sound from inside the room and Niki blushed slightly, glancing behind her. I tried to keep from fidgeting, as I said "I'm gonna go out. Do an errand." Funny how a small word can mask something so huge.

Niki must have sensed at my inner turmoil, just like I could smell her own nervousness, because she looked me dead in the eye. "We'll talk later."

I didn't wait to watch her disappear back into her room, I turned and jogged back down the stairs and out the door. Not daring to test the strength of my fragile courage I forced myself into a sprint.

My feet down the sidewalk. A few people were out an about on a late Sunday afternoon. I felt their stares as I passed. They already thought I was crazy, what's a little more proof?

I skidded to a stop outside Bill's house. Breathing heavy I speed walked up to the door. I wanted to turn and go back the way I'd come. My hand shook as I lifted it to knock. Steeling myself I brought my fist down on the wood, harder than I'd intended.

As I waited I looked over the Denbrough lawn. I stepped back slightly and saw the wheels of a few bikes laying on the ground near the garage. Stan, Eddie and Richie were here too.

I startled slightly as the front door squealed open. Richie gaped at me. Obviously I wasn't what he expected. Bill and Stan appeared at his back. "Ezra?" Stan blinked.

I heard Eddie call from another room "Who is it?"

"Can I come in?" I looked pointedly at Bill. "I need to talk to you."

He nodded and dragged Richie out of my way. The first thing I noticed with the Denbrough residence was how immaculate it was. I followed the boys into the kitchen, where Eddie was sitting at a small kitchen table.

Bill turned to me and I was painfully aware, that though I was two years older we saw eye to eye. "W-w-what do you want?"

My stomach felt as though it had hurled itself off a cliff as I said. "My fa- Pennywise... didn't kill your little brother."

"Like hell he didn't!" Eddie jumped up from the table, chair flying. Stan and Richie looked just as ready to pounce on me.

Bill looked away and the pain on his face twisted at my heart. "He's n-n-n-not-not d-d-dead. He's m-m-missing."

Richie glared at me. "And your old man did it."

"No he didn't." I shook my head, not entirely convinced myself. "He'd never."

"Grow the fuck up, clowney." Richie practically snarled.

Heat rose in my gut and I let my eyes turn red. Savoring the way they backed away. To Bill I said. "Pennywise didn't do anything to your little brother."

"S-say his name."

"What?" The anger drained out of me.

Bill swallowed. "Say his name." I shifted, looking at my toes. "Do you even kn-know it?"

My throat was suddenly tight. "Bill-"

"That's my n-name, not his!" Bill's fists were clenched. "I-if you know so d-d-damn much about him, s-say his name."

When I didn't respond Bill shoved my shoulders, making me stumble back a step. "Say it! S-say it if y-y-you know i-it!"

Tears ticked at my eyes as I shook my head. I didn't know it.

Bill was shaking as he pointed at me. "His n-name was juh-juh-Georgie." Bill hit me hard in the chest and I gulped. "His name was Georgie!"

Bill pointed over my shoulder. "G-g-get o-out."

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