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Hi, I'm Jay ,I guess I should tell you a bit about myself huh? Well I'm kinda tall for my age, and I don't talk much. I never really thought I'd really find love until about a year ago. So I guess I'll tell you the story, enjoy.

It was my freshman year in high school. I didn't have many friends ,but I wasn't complaining. The more people that knew me meant the more I had to talk. I had almost all honor classes except one, it was math. I never was the best at it, but at least I tried. As the year slowly passed by, it was October. I walked into class first thing in the morning, and was greeted by a short, thin girl with long dirty blonde hair. "Hey! I'm Amethyst!" she said in a happy tone. I stood dumbfounded as I looked at her. "What was the feeling I had?" I asked myself in my head. " Oh uh H..Hi. I'm Jay..." I said awkwardly. She giggled, "So Jay, what classes do you have?" I glanced at the clock, still about thirty minuets until first. "Well as you probably could of guessed honors English is my first, then World History, next I have um... a family type class, and last is Math a." I replied. She stared at me for a bit, "Dammit I talk to much!" I thought. Then she smiled, and said "Oh cool we have first, second, and forth together!" Then she playfully pushed past me, she looked back smiling.

I saw her in first, I guess she told me we had the same class... No body really noticed her though. I didn't hear most of what the teacher was saying the whole period, because I was to preoccupied with watching her. Sure I've been bisexual for a while, but I've never fallen so quickly for a girl. As the day continued I found it was hard to listen to the lessons. We talked a bit more during lunch, apparently I'm her only friend... When she said I was her friend, I didn't know weather to be sad because I'm a friend, or happy because I actually exist to her. She gave me her number also, which might of been the highlight of my day. Then came forth period, the last period of the day. It went by fairly slow, but I was daydreaming about Amethyst, then I was jolted back to reality by the bell. I jumped as it rung in my ears, of course leave it to me to knock my book off the desk and make the loudest noise. The whole class turned, and stared at me while they laughed. Except one girl, she wasn't laughing, in fact she looked kind of scared herself.

I rushed down the hallway, trying to get to my locker before the others could crowd me out. I kept pulling at my jacket sleeves, while also fighting back tears. I had embarrassed myself right in front of her! I could still hear their laughter, I hurriedly grabbed my stuff and ran down the halls, which were already almost crowded. As I broke free of the crowded halls, I walked down the stairs, heading for the double doors heading outside. As soon as I reached the doors I ran into someone, I fell backwards onto the ground. I looked up to see a tall beefy figure standing before me, my father.

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