Matsukawa Issei

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*Pinch* *pinch* *pinch*

You where trying to make a cake, but every time your boyfrind walked past you in the kitchen (claiming he was helping) he would pinch your hips. "Matsun stop it." You said getting annoyed. *Pinch* You groaned as you odered him to get the eggs out of the fridge. He put the carton on the island next to where you where working and *pinch*. "Matsun!" You wined as you looked at him. "I can't help it, you just look really friggin good in those shorts." You blushed at his reply and quickly turned back to what you where doing, getting an egg out of the carton and getting ready to crack it, *pinch* you jumped and ended up dropping it on the floor. 

Annoyed you glared at you boyfriend who was clearly amused. You walked away to go get a paper towel to clean it up, but when you got back and walked past him *pinch*. "Matzun I swear to god!" Not paying attention to where you where going as you scolded him, you stepped on the broken egg and slipped, falling on your back with a loud thud as your legs and arms flew into the air. Matsukawa was practically dying as he gripped the counter for support while he was trying so hard not to laugh at your retarded facial expression as you fell. 

You tried to get up and grabbed what you thought was the counter but was actually the open egg carton and eggs went flying all over you and the floor, just missing you boyfriend who was now laughing like a complete idiot. "I'M DYING, I'M NOW GONNA DIE FROM SALMANILLA (think I spelt that wrong) OH MY GOD MATSUN YOU KILLED ME!" You yelled as you layed on the floor in pain and covered in egg. "Babe *laugh* you only get that *laugh* if the egg went *laugh* in your mouth."  He said in-between fits of laughter. At least he was having fun through this. "Aww baby." He said as he looked at you laying on the floor with your arms crossed over your chest and a pout. He leaned down and planted a small kiss over your pout making you smile and giggle. "Stop it I'm trying to be mad at you!" You giggled as he continued to give you peck after peck. "Well you're not doing to good at that are you?" He asked with a smirk, clearly mocking you. You giggled and continued to have your arms crossed over your chest. "I hope you get egg disease because of this." You said between giggles. "Egg disease?" He questioned looking down at his mess of a girlfriend. "Yes." "Well ok, it's worth it." He said as he kissed you again. 

Matsukawa is literally my favorite character in Haikyuu (followed by Kenma), but if you asked me who my favorite team was, I wouldn't be able to answer that. This popped in my head last night as a comic strip between him and one of my O/Cs and I just had to write it because I thought it was so cute and funny, I have a lot more of cute and funny ideas for this guy, but I can't write them all at once lol, I have to give the others a chance to! Anyway I hope you all liked this one as much as I enjoyed writing it 😊❤

Stay tuned for the next chapter! Hanamaki x reader

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