Chapter 4; The gathering

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Mossleaf and Darktail raced side by side to the gathering, Mossleaf knew she wouldn't be able to see Darktail or Spirepaw for awhile and hoped they would do well.

Spirepaw glanced at Mossleaf, "Why are you going to Darkclan?" 

"Im only going for a few moons and just to train an apprentice." Mossleaf meowed gazing at his wide green eyes.

"Will we get to see you when im made a warrior!?" He squeaked getting into a hunters crouch as he pounced on Darktail's tail.

Mossleaf purred in amusement, "You might."

Spirepaw meowed in exciment and raced after the cats going to the gathering since it was his first gathering.

"The clan will really miss you." Darktail meowed as Spirepaw raced away. "Anyways, how do you expect Shadowstar to belive you?"

"You will see!"


Ounce they got to the gathering both of the other clans were already there, "Lets begin!" Icestar yowled.

"Dawnstar you may begin!" Icestar yowled.

"Acctually Icestar, Mossleaf may begin."  Dawnstar Meowed Gazing towards where Mossleaf was.

All the cats turned and gazed at her.

"What do you mean Dawnstar?"

"She has a prophecy from Starclan that she would like to share."


Mossleaf stood up ignoring the stares of everycat as she gazed at Shadowstar, "Shadowstar, You have had no medicine cat for to long! It's time you have had a medicine cat. I'd like you to take me into your clan to teach one of your cats to be a medicine cat under starclan's eyes!" Mossleaf yowled.

"HA! AND YOU EXPECT ME TO LET YOU IN!" Shadowstar laughed




"GRRR.... FINE!"

Mossleaf flinched, She hadn't expected it to be like that. She sat back down.

"Good, " Icestar meowed.


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