Chspter 1- At Mission Creek High

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The Lab Rats are at school with Leo. In which Adam asked
" guest what, guest what?" Jumping up and down in a childish sort of way.
" what is it now Adam?" Asked Bree
" oh... Let me guest... 'You found a monkey in pine tree" replied Chase sarcastically
" No... I saw that last week... anyway back to me... I found a..." He paused to give of some suspends.
"Go on"
" hotdog under my capsule!"
Chase, Bree and Leo looked disgusted at the sight of the rotting hotdog in Adams hand.

" ewwww! That's so gross!" Screamed Bree'.
" at least , he didn't make you smell it'" said Leo, with horror in his face.

Principle Perry, soon came after the lab rats and Leo.
" oh here comes, trouble" Leo said.
"What's up Dooly, shorty, speeding and ... Giant, I got a job for you lot."

" what is it now Perry?" Asked Bree.
" I... Want you a lot to take me on A REAL MISSION this time!"
All four of them rolled their eyes and all at the same time. They shouted:

But Terry Perry wasn't going to give up so easily. She then started to poke Adam on the chest and kept repetitively saying:
" take me, take me, take me, "
" can someone get her off me, I seriously want to finish this hot dog!" But before it even got to his mouth, Chase grabbed it and throw it as far as he could.

" FINE! Will take you on a REAL mission this time" he said
Adam, Bree and Leo, had their ' what- did- you- do- Chase?' Face.
" goody, I'll catch you lot later then" and off went Perry. With a smile on her face.

" CHASE" they all shouted.
" hey, let's just fake it, like last time, okay?"
" fine"
" fair enough"
" you took my hot dog" cried Adam.
Bree patted him on the back. And off they went to their classes.

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