Chapter 13- The Fight Begins

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"Well, look who came to save their family member.. Well you can have him... He didn't even give us any information we wanted... So..." And he untied Chase and then pushed him towards the rest.

Maria managed to catch him in time, trying not to let go.
" so at you REALLY going to just let us had him back?" Asked Bree
" sure... What are families for" said Victor Crane.
The other villains soon started to gather around them! The terrifying look in their eyes, made they twice as scary as before.

Chase slowly got up from Maria's arms.
" let... Me... Fight" he said, struggling to get up on his feet.
" yes why don't you let your little friend of yours fight...fight like you mean it" said Soul Slayer.
" NO" said Adam!

And soon once the signal was triggered, everyone else came bursting through the door. Tasha was with them also. Amongst them were some of the greatest superheroes every to visit Mighty Med. There was the Great Defender, Remix, Solar Flare, Tecton, Captain Atomic and Blue Tornado.

" stop, villains, for we as Superheroes, will save the day" said Tecton
A sudden sound of silence sweeps across the building. No one spoke for a while.
" we'll this is awkward" said Matt Demon, as he broke the silence. Soon everyone one started talking again.
" now lets fight!" Said Captain Atomic.

" hey, hold on..." Said The Great Defender.
" why can't we just talk this out"
Everyone just stared at him blankly.
" NO! BECAUSE THIS ISN'T TWILIGHT, GREAT DEFENDER!!!" shouted Kaz, Horace, Oliver, White Demon, Blue Demon and even Crimson Demon.
" We are going to fight this like the Battle of Hogwarts" screamed Oliver

And so they the fight began. Captain Atomic was fighting off the Black Falcon, Tecton was fighting with Megahertz. Skylar, Alan and Horace were fighting off The Annihilator and Experion. Were as every one else was fighting their own enemies. And every thing soon become like war. And still no one was winning the battle.

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