Chapter 8

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(Your POV)

Christmas in L.A never really felt like Christmas. From what I've been told by my parents and the snip bits of television I've seen, the streets outside should be filled with snow. Of course, the humans still decorated but I always dreamed of one day being able to see snow fall from the sky.

My family always made sure to gather all the relatives for Christmas above all else. It was a tradition. This year my family held the celebration at my Uncle's house, his humans were the most celebratory for Christmas than anyone else which meant we could possibly borrow some Christmas treats. I'd offer my place but the most celebration I've seen them do was bathe in EggNog?

This would be the first year I would be allowed to participate in the Christmas Eve borrowing. It was another tradition for the adults to go out as a big group to borrow a bunch of leftovers for the next morning. They'd also take pieces of cookies left out for a man they called Santa and was one of the only times they'd borrow whatever drink was left out for this man. We weren't too worried about taking the food since none of us have ever seen this 'Santa' take the food meant for him.

I was so excited to go out with all the adults, I could see all the decorations for myself instead of it being described to me. It was going great but it seemed in all our joy we forgot to be cautious. A loud crash was heard and you could see the glass ornament shatter across the floor. We were on our way back but a few others my age were messing around in the tall Christmas tree. Everyone froze when we all heard the door squeak open. It was a mad scatter towards the opening near the fireplace.

While everyone ran I found myself frozen. I've never been in a situation like this. The humans were coming closer yet I just stood there in fear, awaiting my capture and most likely death. They must've been so close when I was jolted out of my frozen state by a yank on my arm. I was suddenly being pulled along as someone ran with me, dragging me with them. We made to the entrance where everyone was awaiting us just as one of the humans let the shattered glass crunch under their shoe.

When we made it back inside the walls we were greeted with kisses and hugs from all our relatives. The one who saved me, who I later found out to be one of my cousins who was in the tree, was praised by all while I was given hugs by everyone who was glad I didn't get caught. For the rest of the night, I sat with all my cousins who were my age embarrassed as I eavesdropped on the conversations my relatives had with my parents.

"You're lucky our son was brave enough to save your kid." "Have they never been in a life-threatening situation?" "They're bound to be caught if they do that again." "I can't believe you let them move out on their own! They're going to get caught!" "Maybe you should wait until they get a good spouse to borrow for them." "They don't seem fit to borrow." "I would've thought any child of yours would be an expert at something like that."

The side comments continued all night long. It was embarrassing. I felt like a disgrace to my family. They were known as the best borrowers in our family line. My father was the one leading most borrowing missions any time the family got together. He seemed to know every trick up his sleeve and he was risky, borrowing things no one would dare to touch and always dodging the impossible. I remembered staying up late listening to his many tales. He could be the one to persuade any borrower to stay in a house, even the most stubborn wild borrower with his jaw-dropping tales.

Everyone was so excited to see how skilled I would be. I mean, I was able to impress them with my speed and agility but all that went away when I came face to face with the possibility of being caught. I went back home that night, not wanting to spend another minute there to embarrass my parents...

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