1: "I'm not a kid anymore!"

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Maxine's POV

The pub was full. My brother was out as usual, causing trouble no doubt.

"How's the wife, Albert?" I ask as I sit down in my regular stool.

"She's just fine. Not getting around as easy as she used to but, hell, neither am I." He laughs. "How about you?"

I shrug.

"I've been doing okay... Heard there's a new guy in town."

He wipes down the counter and nods.

"Yeah... I suppose he'd be coming around any time now."

As if on cue the door opened.

Only it wasn't a stranger at all. It was my brother.

"Arthur, where have you been? I was beginning to think you'd drown." I smirk.

He rolls his eyes and walks over slowly.

"You're not funny...." He says.

Without even having to say anything, Albert had already poured a glass of whiskey and was handing it to him.

"No thank you..." He says.

Albert looked confused.

"What do you mean? You always-"

"We have to be going... Max here is feeling a bit ill... Aren't you, Max?"

I glared at him but then nodded.

"He's right. I've got to rest."

I hopped off the stool and just as I pulled on one sleeve of my jacket, the door opened yet again.

I didn't get a good look at the guy before my brother pushed me behind him.

"Go out the back and wait for me by the shore..." He says.

"But Wh-"

"Go." He says sternly.

I pulled my jacket on completely and huffed before I headed out the back door.

After waiting by the shore for what felt like hours, I finally saw my brother and a man approach.

"A strong man works best alone..." Arthur says as he steps over to me, removing his jacket and shirt in the process.

"Actually I believe it's the other way around..." The man tells him.

My brother just laughed before he patted me on the back and motioned for me to dive in.

I looked back at the man once before I jumped in and started swimming toward home.

Moments later my brother joined me.

"Who was that?" I ask, forming an
Air bubble around us.

"Bruce Wayne..."

"You mean-"

"Yes.... Batman." He tells me.

"No way! That's so cool! What did he want? What did he say?" I ask.

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