The Beginning

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Since the beginning of time, good and evil has been in conflict over humanity's soul. Because evil is so subtle, it uses man's weakness - the desires to lure them into the commitment of sins.

"And I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise above it..."

As written, the end of days is at hand and the devil has taken over this millennium. Sinful souls will be left to eternal damnation. But through God's grace, forgiveness and salvation can be achieved.

A chance has been given to a fallen angel who was cast out of heaven. She's sent by God for a mission to influence goodness to the boy who was chosen by the devil to bring forth the apocalypse. The boy is her only way of redeeming herself and her only way of returning to heaven.

"For God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment..."

But instead of hell, she was stripped off of her divinity which was replaced by agelessness to wonder the human realm for she had provided the first man of The Book

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But instead of hell, she was stripped off of her divinity which was replaced by agelessness to wonder the human realm for she had provided the first man of The Book. Even with good intentions, her fellow angels find her actions disturbing. However, God did not punish her gravely for He has a greater purpose for her that is unbeknownst to any being.

Living her life as a human, she acquired emotions, feelings she doesn't understand. She had learned what it is to really care about people. The first emotion was pity, and she felt it with the first man and women when they were banished from the garden of Eden for eating a fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. She gave them The Book that would help them come back and to have a better understanding of their creator.

However, living endless years would mean that she had to watch all that she cared for die. And as years go, the human's life shortens and shortens until they can't even reach a century.

From this, she understood how this life would be her punishment because every death is a heartbreak. But even beyond the cruel punishment, she still thought of it as a mercy for life had shown her many things instead of being trapped in hell.

On the sixth month of the present year, she was visited by one of God's elected angels, the messenger to deliver His mission for the fallen angel. A mission that if she fails, she will be dragged to the pits of hell.

But whenever God moves a pawn, so will the devil.

But whenever God moves a pawn, so will the devil

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The devil has many perversions to mock Him. So if He has a Son, so will the devil and he has sent his son to intervene with the angel and take dominion of the boy so the end of days will not be hindered.

Beyond the 9th circle of hell lie he who holds the dominion of hell and his son he not long ago chose from the realms of man. Lucifer's son who was trapped in a body of a mortal came to hell with his father when the ritual to release him wasn't fulfilled.

The son chose to stay in hell for only Lucifer claimed him when he was but a helpless child. He stopped aging by the power of the demon within but its power is too great that it made me invincible against hellfire.

The son was done with humans for when he was one, there wasn't any love for love is just a mask put on by men to achieve what they desire.

He was so done with humans but despite craving for human blood to quench the inner demon's thirst, he made hell his shelter and sanctuary. The virgin sacrifices kept him sated while hiding in hell. But by Lucifer's orders, he was cast out and will not be able to come back to hell not unless he succeeded in his mission.

He needs to intervene with the angel who would try to influence the boy with good.

These two beings are destined to cross paths for the end of days has been written and the prophecy will be fulfilled, unless, the boy chooses the path of good.

These two beings are destined to cross paths for the end of days has been written and the prophecy will be fulfilled, unless, the boy chooses the path of good

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