Sincerly Three

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Jared dragged Connor around the shopping mall, stumbling as he ran. Connor sighed loudly, "This is stupid, you're stupid."

"Its for Evan so shh!" Jared brought him to a store full of lgbt focused items, "Evan's been having binder issues lately, this is perfect! And maybe we can get him a packer too. He's been complaining softly about his bottom dysphoria." Connor nodded, honestly not caring and just looking at the nonbinary stuff. Suddenly, Jared pulled Connor into a small aisle for polya relationships, "Duude this is perfect!

"Are you sure about this Jar-" Connor stumbled as he was being dragged in the counter by Jared, "Trust me, Evan is gonna love this!" He paid for the stuff when the cashier, who had a single red stripe in his hair smiled and said, "Polya couple? Niiice." He gave him the change and waved.

As they walked out,  some people looked in disgust at the couple. Jared didn't notice but Connor was getting anxious. He held onto Jared tightly as they got to the car, Jared asked, "What's wrong bebby?" He petted his cheek.

 "A-All the people... it's stupid don't ask." Connor looked away. 

As they straped in Jared gently cupped his face and looked at him, "Baby, please." Connor leaned into him and gently cried. He rubbed his back and kissed his head, "It's okay, it's okay I promise." 

"I-I'm so weird. I-I-" Jared kissed his cheeks.

"Don't say that baby, we're all okay. You aren't weird, you aren't anything bad." Jared comforted him.

"O-Okay, I'm fine. Let's go." He pulled away and lied back in the car chair. Jared sighed and drove home, opening the door to Evan lying on the ground and staring into space.

"Uh, babe, you good..?" Jared asked, chuckling afterwards.

 "Hmm..? O-Oh you guys are back, hi, how was shopping, what did you get?" Evan stood up, dusting his blue shirt off.

"Got some gay shit, wanna see?" He smiled. 

"Yeah sure." Evan smiled widely. He took a bag and gasped, happy tears gently fell from his eyes, "T-Thank you!" Evan looked at them cheerfully. Connor shrugged lightly and sat down near him. Jared got the polya stuff, "Look at this shit." There were pins and shirt of polya pride.

Connor sighed softly and walked upstairs, locking his door. No one else noticed.

Evan hugged Jared tightly and kissed gently, cuddling on the couch and watching a movie. The small Evan nuzzled into Jared's chest falling asleep, and all was calm in the house.

Except when Jared heard a loud collasp from upstairs. He put Evan on the couch and stood up, running upstairs and breaking into Connor's room.

The sight made him gasp.


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