Papyrus Finds a Human

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(In the forest. Frisk is wandering. Papyrus is looking for humans. Sans is sitting near the gate.)

Frisk: ?

Sans: Hey, kid. I'm Sans. Sans the Skeleton. Thats my brother over there, Papyrus. He's....well, he's interesting. He's a little paranoid at first, but once you get to know him, he's a cool dude. Anyway, I was thinking we could pull a prank on him. What do you say?

(Frisk nods, Sans points to the gate.)

Sans: Just go through gate and stand a little into the clearing. I'll do the rest. Sound good?

(Frisk nods. Sans stands and smiles.)

Sans: Hey, kid, what your name?

(Frisk picks up a stick and writes "Frisk" in the snow)

Sans: Frisk? Cool. Well, lets go.

(We're at the clearing. Papyrus is on watch. Sans is standing next to him. Papyrus is talking. Frisk is standing a few steps to the right of Sans. Papyrus is next to Sans.)

(Papyrus pulls out a drawing)

Papyrus: As I was speaking about Undyne, I made this picture for her. Do you think she'll like it? "Hang on the Fridge" material? Do you ship us, Sans?

Sans: Uh...

Papyrus: Quiet Sans! Remember what we are here for! To keep watch for humans!

(Sans points to Frisk)

Sans: Like that one?

Papyrus: What?

(Papyrus sees Frisk)

Papyrus: Oh my gosh!

(Papyrus turns to whisper to Sans)

Papyrus(whispering): That's a human, right?

Sans(also whispering): Yeah.

(Papyrus turns to Frisk and clears his throat. Frisk, in the meantime, walks past him and stands behind him.)

Papyrus: Human, you may not pass this area. I, the great Papyrus, will stop you.

Sans: She's behind you.

(Papyrus turns to Frisk)

Papyrus: Naturally, looks like we're going to play the capturing game then. So be it! Nothing a future Royal Guardsmen can't handle!

(Frisk walks away)

Sans: The kid left.

Papyrus: What? Oh. Well so be it..............

(We are in the forest. Frisk is walking. Papyrus is waiting. A bear trap lies in the snow. Sans is sitting next to Papyrus. Frisk sees them and stops.)

Papyrus: Looks like you must surrender to me, Human. Surely you can't get past my trap!

(He motions to the best trap)

(Frisk picks up a stick and puts it in the trap. She steps over it and walks off.)

Sans: That kid sure knows how to get out of a STICKY situation! Heh!

Papyrus: Quiet Sans! I will not be outsmarted Human! I will get you next time! Next time................

(We are still in the forest, but in a different part. Frisk is again walking. Papyrus is standing. Sans is next to him. Frisk again sees them and stops.)

Papyrus: Go no further, fiend! Surrender now or I will have to use my SPECIAL ATTACK!

(Frisk just stands and does nothing)

Papyrus: Not surrendering? Well then you asked for it!

(Papyrus goes into the woods for 2 seconds. He comes out with a bomb strapped to his chest.)

Papyrus: There is a bomb strapped to my chest, human. Surrender now and I will disarm it. But if you don't surrender, I'll be forced to detonate the device, killing us bo-

(Frisk pulls out a knife and cuts a wire)

Papyrus: You edgy bedge. THAT WAS A REAL BOMB YOU MANIAC!!! Nevertheless you solved my puzzle. Proceed. I'll get you next time, human. There is NO way my new plan can fail!

(We are again in another part of the forest. Frisk is standing near a box propped up on a stick with Papyrus's spaghetti underneath. There is a rope leading to a bush. Papyrus and Sans are behind the bush.)

Papyrus: Eaaat ittttttt..............Eaaaaaattttt theeeeeeee spaghettiiiiiiiiiiii.....................

(Papyrus goes back behind the bush. In the meantime Frisk walks off.)

Papyrus: My spaghetti is the best trap to lure in the human, Sans. As a five star chef and food critic, I say this is my best dish yet.

Sans: We don't have tongues, but whatever makes you happy, pal.

Papyrus: I caught it, Sans! I CAUGHT IT!

Sans: Wait, really?

Papyrus: Just look Sans, it's right here!

(Sans lifts one side up. Papyrus is found underneath.)

Papyrus: Darn, my cooking was too amazing! I'll get you next time, human. No matter how much spaghetti it takes.........Huh, this is good. Mmmmm!

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