Chara and Asriel's Sad Story

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As you may have read, Chara fell into the Underground as the first human to fall. But do you know what happened after she started living with Asriel? I can't tell you the whole story, sadly, but I can tell you what I know.

(We are in a field of butturcups. Asriel and Chara are playing.)

Chara: Hey Asriel, remember the time we tried making that pie?

Asriel: What? Oh yeah, the time we tried making the butterscotch pie?

Chara: When instead of putting in butterscotch, we put in buttercups instead.

Asriel: Oh yeah. The flowers made Dad sick. And Mom mad. I wanted to laugh with you, but I felt too bad. What about it?

Chara: Well, what if I ate one? Then you could pass through the barrier!

Asriel: What? Chara, of course you can't do that!

Chara: Asriel, don't doubt us. We can do this. Tell you what, if we do this, I become a ghost. And I'll stay with your family, just as a ghost. Okay?

Asriel: Um........okay. As long as you stay with our family.

Chara: Deal. Lets do this.

(Chara picks a flower and eats it. They go home.)

Chara: Toriel, I don't feel well. I'm gonna go lay down.

(Chara is asleep. Toriel, Asgore, and Asriel are trying to wake her.)

Toriel: Chara, can you hear me? Please wake up.

Asgore: Chara, please wake up. You are the future of humans and monsters.

Asriel: Chara? Wake up, Chara. Please. Please wake up.

(Now it is just Asriel and Chara. Chara is now awake.)

Asriel: Chara, please don't do this.

Chara: Please don't doubt us, Asriel.

Asriel: Chara, please don't die.

(A red heart now floats above Chara. Asriel hesitates, then takes it. He becomes bigger and stronger.)

Chara: Take me to the flowers from my village.

Asriel: Okay

(We are in Chara's village. Asriel sets her body on the ground.)

Village Child: Ah! A monster!

Villager: It killed that poor child! Attack!

(The villagers attack Asriel. He doesn't fight back)

Chara: Asriel, you have to fight back!

Asriel: I c-can't.

Chara: If you don't you'll die!

Asriel: Let's just go home.

(Asriel picks Chara up and walks away. He stops in the field of flowers.)

(Asriel collapses)

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