How Frisk Ended up in the Underground

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(We are at a mountain. Frisk is climbing up it. I don't know why, knowing as she is just a small unsupervised child, but this is how the story goes, therefore that is how I tell it. Anyway, as Frisk is climbing, she meets and steep area in which is a large deep hole. She very carefully climb, but as she does so, the rocks beneath her fall. Oh, and Frisk doesn't talk in Undertale, but she's talking here so you know her thoughts.)

Frisk: Ahhhhhhh!

(Frisk lands in a flower bed.)

Frisk: Oof! Ow....

(She gets up and looks around.)

Frisk: W-where am I....?

(She sees a flower. It talks. The flower is Flowey, but she doesn't know of course, as she just fell.)

Flowey: Hello! I'm Flowey, Flowey the Flower!

(Frisk has no idea whats going on. She just accepts that the flower talks, as she is very young and has an imagination that brings talking flowers in.)

Frisk: H-hi. I'm...Frisk. W-where.....where am I?

Flowey: Why, you're in the Underground!

Frisk: The Underground? What's that?

Flowey: The Underground is home of monsters. Like me. In the Underground, you have a SOUL. Your SOUL keeps you alive. You also have HP. As you get HP, your SOUL gets stronger. Meaning it's harder to kill you. But if you do die, you can reset or continue.

Frisk: Okay...just two questions. How do I get HP-

Flowey: Fighting monsters.

Frisk: -and how do I get back home?

Flowey: This is your home now. You can't get back to the Surface.

Frisk: Oh.

Flowey: And you can also get HP from friendship pellets. Here, have a few.

Frisk: Uh, thanks for the offer, but I think I'm fine. Thanks anyway.

(Flowey suddenly changes. Changes into the angry version of Flowey of which I do not know the name of.)

Flowey(deep, angry, slightly robotic voice): YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD JUST WALK RIGHT PAST ME, HUH? HUH?!

Frisk: Uh........


Frisk: R-really, I'm f-fine......

Flowey: HA! FINE? I SAY NOT!

(Frisk is very scared. She backs away slowly, but soon she is cornered.)


(Frisk is super-duper scared now.)

(Flowey starts gaining on her. Then Toriel bursts in. Once again, Frisk has no idea who she is, but as a little girl, she just accepts that there is a goat-person-mom thingy in the room.)

Toriel: Leave her alone, Flowey. She must be very scared and confused. She is only young.

Flowey: But-but...

Toriel: Flowey. One....

Flowey: B-but........

Toriel: Two...........

Flowey: Fine! I was just having some fun!

Toriel: My young one. Come with me.

(Frisk cautiously follows. Toriel takes her hand.)

Frisk: What was that...that thing?

Toriel: That? Was Flowey, one of they many monsters you will meet here. I am Toriel. I am also a monster, but I, unlike some, am very kind. Flowey, well......Flowey wasn't always, Flowey.

Frisk: Huh? What do you mean?

(Just so you know, Toriel's right. Flowey is actually Asriel, Toriel's son. He was attacked by humans and became Flowey. He is stuck as Flowey. Until he finds a way to become himself again.)

Toriel: Flowey was one a young boy named Asriel. He was attacked by humans when he was your age. Actually, he is still your age. Anyway, Humans attacked monsters. Attacked Asriel. He is now Flowey. How do I know this? Because.......because he is my son. Asriel is my son. Flowey is my son. And they-Asriel and Flowey-will always be my son, no matter what. And nothing will change that or the fact that I love them.

Frisk: Wow. So my kind-humans-attacked?

Toriel: Yes. But they won a battle. Now we are stuck here.

Frisk: Will I ever be able to go back home?

Toriel: Maybe. No one knows how to get out, not even Alphys the scientist, not even the elderly folks. 

Frisk: Oh.

Toriel: Come, I will lead you to a safe place to stay.

Frisk: Okay, lead the way.

(They continue. Through a long series of puzzles and traps.)

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