"Send your best"

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           So I went into work the next day knowing that it would be my last stay there. I did whatever a cubicle monkey dreams of doing, I told my boss that he can go fuck himself and destroyed every last form and files I had in that shit-hole prison just to make it harder for all the douchebags I worked with, then I got to work on setting everything up ..

           I went out and bought myself some new toys at the local gun store bought myself a new 9-millimetre Glock, a ps90 assault rifle and my crown jewel a Barrett 50 cal sniper rifle.

            I also stopped by this nifty little spice store in my city and picked up a few things , a few objects with discreet cameras in them that allowed me to watch them through my phone, bug detectors and a voice changer, I then took $30,000 from my savings account and converted it into bitcoins.

            After all that was completed I contacted the man who had first emailed me and gave him all of my info and told them that this man would be very hard to catch as he travels a lot that he may be armed, I also told him that I didn't want their regular cleaners I wanted the best they could offer.

           Shortly after sending the email I received a message saying that they would send one of the best but it would cost a bit more, he also said that as soon as I sent the payment they would get started , the last line of email he sent me made me realise that shit was going to get serious very quickly -

     just a quick warning for you once the payment has been made, confirmed there's no going back, the job will be taken care of and there's nothing that could be done to stop it



              I sent the payment immediately and got a confirmation email back that it has been received and that someone would be sent out the next day to the given location.

         Now the real fun can begin.

So there's the start to this huge shitshow that I created for myself and like I said it's been loads of fun.
        I have been in this Starbucks for two hours now and I need to get going as as I can't stay in one location for too long.

Wish me luck.

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