I See You

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I started packing all the belongings in my apartment that I would need as I wouldn't be able to return until after all this was completed. I packed about a month's worth of clothes,all my electronics,all my guns and few other miscellaneous items like toothbrush and shampoo.

Once everything was packed up I went over to my friends house that had an older car for sale that was registered to his name and asked him if I could trade his car and gave him $2000 just to keep my car in his backyard and look after it.

I figured if this hitman agency was any good they'd look after my DMV records and know what kind of car I was driving in, my license plate which would make me a lot easier to find.
So I put all my stuff in the back of the trunk, and just to keep things interesting I set a little note on my coffee table in my living room that said

"Tag, you're It"

Just to let him know that this wasn't going to be an average hit, what fun it would be if he didn't even know that this was going to be a fun little game...

I now had everything I needed to go in the hunt, in a car that couldn't be traced back to me.

Before the day ended I went to Walmart and picked myself a prepaid smartphone and then dismantled my own phone so I couldn't be tracked via GPS. Before it got too late I also stopped by the little spy shop and picked up a magnetic GPS locator.

You know that kinda that Walton Hank from Breaking Bad put under Gus Frings car to follow him

After that I was fully ready to do this, no turning back now.

I went back to the area around my apartment at about 11pm and parked 2/3 to 3/4 of a mile away to wait.
No way I could stay in there and allow that guy to get the drop on me while I was sleeping.

I sat on the passenger side of the car to make it seem like I was waiting for a friend and to not freak people out who lived in the apartments I was infront of .
They said that they would be sending him out the next day so I had to sleep in my car and wait for him to arrive..

I went to sleep around midnight and woke up around 7 am , I took out my nice deer hunting binoculars and waited and waited and waited..

I finally got hungry enough to convince myself that I needed to eat so I went to a little fast-food joint and picked up a few burgers

I went and parked in the same spot I was before , it was around 5pm I figured this guy wasn't going to come during the day so I fucked around on reddit for few hours until it got dark.

I finally got bored on reddit so I went back to watching my apartment around 10pm I watched an all black car with dark tinted windows I think it was a Chrysler 300 pulled up near my apartment, on the other side of the street.

It looked a bit fishy on the account that it had an out-of-state plate I had never seen in my neighbourhood before so I started to watch it.
It just sat there for 10 mins presumably checking out the house then it drove away.

Huh , well that was weird

I thought to myself as I had the biggest grin on my face, I knew that was my guy.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2017 ⏰

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