Spy X Sniper (Coffee)

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Spy lay in bed, Sniper's hand in his. Inside Sniper's van, it was pretty disgusting, but he would do anything for the man sleeping right beside him. He turned and pressed against the tall Australian, his smell, rancid to most, brought butterflies into Spy's stomach. His hand gently moved to rest on Sniper's chest, Spy's smaller figure pressed to the tall and rugged man before him.

"Spook.." Sniper woke up and groaned.

"Yes, Mon amour?" Spy's gentle smile reached even his eyes as he looked up at his tired lover.

"D'ya love me?" Sniper's smile grew gentle as his eyes gazed back into Spy's loving ones.

"Oui... Je t'aime, mon amour..." Spy's hand gently went to Sniper's cheek.

"Then go make me some coffee."

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