Easy To Leave. Harder To Go.

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(Trigger warning- suicide and brief mentions of self harms and bullying)
(Kenma doesn't believe that he is worth his boyfriend's care.)

It was funny how easy it was to leave. Mentally it may have been a tough choice but physical there was nothing holding Kenma back. With Kuroo, Bokuto, and Akaashi all being gone at work or at class, it was not hard to leave a note and walk out the door onto the dark, midnight streets of Tokyo.

As Kenma's life continued to go down hill he didn't want to take them with him. He didn't want them to be upset. They could move on without him as they were all perfect without him anyways. They will be ok. They will be ok. Kenma kept telling this to himself over and over.

In a couple months the three will be good and happy again so for now he just had to keep walking on through the streets of Tokyo. His mind drifts off as he walks. Who will find him missing first? If it was Akaashi then he would immediately call the someone to try and find him, Kuroo would probably break down since they have never been apart more then 2 weeks, and Bo, he would probably freak out and not know what to do.

Kenma snaps out of his thoughts. No they will all be better from him leaving an they will see this soon. It wouldn't be long before he was gone. He didn't want to think about it that way but it was true. They would no long have to worry about babysitting him and his anxiety and depression. No they wouldn't have to walk around him worried that he would snap and start to break down.

He barely realized as a slow tear drop trickled down his face. Kenma quickly wiped it and hope no one had noticed him, not that there were many people out at this time in the night. He can't be caught while he was so far in. He didn't want them to have to worry about him more.

Finally he was here, the place where he wishes to take his last breath. It was terrible how many times throughout middle and high school he was told to jump off this bridge because he was gay. Oh the famous Rainbow bridge. He wishes that he didn't have to give satisfaction to the kids who always told him to do this yet, it stuck in his head for so many years and now here he was.

The tears where flowing down his face now to the point where he could not stop them. It was for the best, he thought over and over as he continued to walk down the bridge. He looked over the railing into the cool dark water below.

This was the first time today that he actually realized that he was ready to die. At the age of 20 he no long belonged on the Earth. His grip tightened on the rail as if it was the only life line he has left and in a way it was. This small piece of metal was the only think separating him from falling into the waters below. He pulled himself over them and sat on top of them.

It was very cliché but he really looked back on his life. Honestly most of it was terrible. From when he was very small he was always pushed around and bullied. Scars on his body showed the torture that the bullies gave him and some he felt like he had to give to himself for the lack of self esteem they left behind. It was only over the last couple years that he has been getting some what better but yet Kuroo, Bokuto, and Akaashi were constantly looking over him. They always had to pull him out of bed and yell at him to take his pills. They would pull him along on dates to places he would have never gone before. They were always taking care of him.

The screeching of tires behind him snapped him out of his thoughts and almost sent him into the water below. He know what was happening yet he didn't want to turn around. He didn't want to have them witness his sad pitiful death. "Kenma, please", Kuroo says behind him. He can tell that it is him from just how calming his voice is.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2017 ⏰

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