Chapter 2

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Error Pov

   I'm sitting in the Ruins, a place where there is nothing but red dirt and crumbling black walls and buildings from when everyone used to live here until the angels went to Heaven and, well the demons stayed ... you guess where Hell. I like the ruins, it's the only place that's not in the Mortal Relm and that's not in Hell where I can escape to without dad and my brothers noticing. I can't help but be mesmerized by the bright, shining stars above me in the Ruins.

   "Error," I hear my dad call.

"Whaaat," I reply angrily.

"I've found your new hiding spot," He roared, "time to come back to the palace, and I don't want to see you come back here!"

"I'm never coming back, I'm sick of having to listen to everything you say," I scream, "just leave me alone for once and let me choose my own Destiny!"

  I fly off ignoring all of my father's ranting in the process. I fly off to the one place where I know he won't follow me. Heaven. I fly high up, farther than I've ever flown, I land upon a cloud just out of the boundaries of Heaven, but close enough to get in deep trouble if I were caught. When I land on the cloud I didn't notice the angel that was just down on the land of Heaven below. I said the only thing I could think of that wouldn't make me look stupid.

I didn't think I would get caught but damn was I wrong.

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